Page 43 of Loving Romeo

I laughed and set myphone down on my desk. I’d spend the next few hours working at the gym before I’d have to suit up for my afternoon workout. Brinkley had sent me a text reminding me that the article she’d written about me was in every store today, as if I could forget when she’d reminded me multiple times. She’d come to town a few weeks ago and followed me everywhere that day, and the article was now out in the world.

There was a knock on my office door, and I shouted for them to come in.

Demi peeked her head in and then held up the magazine that had me on the cover and waggled her brows.

“The Golden Boy is preparing for the fight of his life,” she said, as she closed the door and hurried over to the couch to sit beside me. “You didn’t tell me this was coming out today.”

I groaned. “I didn’t know if they’d carry it here.”

“Are you kidding? The Daily Market has a line out the door. Peyton ran and got us a couple of copies.”

“Great.” I leaned back before glancing over at her. She wore a cream sweater that hung off of one shoulder, a pair of faded jeans, and her favorite cowboy boots.

“Let’s read it together,” she said, turning to face me. The urge to touch her was overwhelming lately. I liked just sitting with her sometimes, memorizing every line and curve on her face. The way her tongue dipped out in the corner of her mouth when she was concentrating. The light spatter of freckles on her nose was cute as hell.

“All right, I’ll read it to you,” she said when I didn’t respond.

“I’ve read it,” I grumped. Brinkley had sent me the final article over a week ago.

“Well, I haven’t. And you haven’t heard me read it aloud. So, consider yourself lucky. Sit back and enjoy the moment. You’re on the cover ofStrive Forwardmagazine. That’s a big freaking deal.”

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of her voice. I fucking loved the sound of her voice. It was sweet and sexy all at the same time.

Had I ever noticed a woman’s voice before?

A woman’s freckles?

“Romeo Knight is set to take the boxing world by storm in just a couple of months. When Leo ‘The Flamethrower’ Burns set his sights on Magnolia Falls’ small-town Golden Boy, Romeo was left with no choice but to agree to the challenge. After months of what many would consider online bullying, through social media posts and interviews with any sports network who would listen, Burns was relentless in his pursuit.”Demi paused, and I opened one eye and looked at her.


“I really hate Leo. I hope you kick his ass.” She smiled, and my fucking chest squeezed. My hand was resting right beside hers on the couch, and I wrapped my pinky finger around hers playfully. She didn’t pull away. She liked it.

We both did.

This pull was so fucking strong I didn’t know how to fight it anymore.

“I’m just hoping to leave that ring in one piece. If I can kick his ass in the process, that would be a huge bonus.” I chuckled.

The concern in her eyes was cute as hell, but she forced a smile and continued reading. The article went on about my intense training and about how the last fight I’d participated in was the fight where my father had dropped to the mat and was rushed to the hospital. Demi paused after she read the line about him not coming home that day.

“Is it hard for you to be training for a fight now? You know, is it bringing up memories about losing your dad?”

This girl, man.

So fucking sweet.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss him. It’s hard for people to understand. He wasn’t perfect. He made a lot of mistakes. But he was still my dad, and boxing was something that we shared.”

Her brows pinched together. “It doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks. When you love someone, you love all of them. That’s how I feel about Slade. His addiction doesn’t make me love him less. It makes me sad that he is struggling, but I don’t weaponize love.”

“What does that mean?” I asked, as I turned her small hand over in mine and traced the scar that had faded on her palm.

“It means that I don’t hold love over people’s heads. I’m careful about who I love, and when I love someone, it’s forever. I can’t just turn it on and off, and I don’t think you can either.”

“I guess we have more in common than we thought,” I said, my voice quiet.

“Because we both love fiercely?”