My breaths were coming fast now.
“So, why don’t you kiss me and find out?” I whispered.
“Because I don’t take things that aren’t mine, Demi.”
So earnest and proud.
“Your morals are exhausting,” I groaned.
He barked out a laugh that echoed around the large gym with the high ceilings and cement floors.
Don’t ask me how, but standing in this cold space where most of the people who worked out here smelled like dirty socks and were covered in sweat still somehow managed to be the most romantic moment I’d ever experienced.
Because I felt a connection to him that was foreign to me.
Something I’d never felt before.
And just hearing that he was struggling the same way that I was, made me want him even more.
“I’ve never been accused of being too moral. Don’t give me credit that I don’t deserve.”
“Heaven forbid anyone give you undeserving praise, Romeo. I have a hunch that you don’t take praise easily.”
His eyes settled on my mouth. “Maybe I’m just good at giving praise to the few people that I like.”
Please. Give it to me right now.
“You like me, don’t you, Golden Boy?”
He nodded. “Liking you is one thing. Acting on it is another.”
“Because you hate my family?” I rolled my eyes. “This is so ridiculous.”
“We’re from two different worlds, Demi. I doubt your parents would appreciate you hooking up with Keith Knight’s kid.”
“My parents don’t tell me who to date.”
“You can’t even tell your parents that your brother is in town, and he’s their son. You wouldn’t be able to sell this to them, and you know it. I think you’ve got a lot of answers, but I don’t think you’re thinking it out.”
“And I think you’ve got a lot of excuses,” I said. The urge to kiss him was so strong that it was painful. My hands fisted in his T-shirt.
“I just speak the truth.” His thumb stroked across my bottom lip.
“Tell me why you hate them so much,” I whispered.
“Tell me who scared you so badly that you just fainted in the ring.”
I raised a brow. “So, when I tell you that, you’ll tell me what I want to know?”
“Something like that.”
But I wasn’t ready to tell anyone else the details about what had happened with Ronny. What if Romeo told his friends? My father would never forgive me if word got out about his business partner’s son.
“And if I don’t tell you?” I asked.
“Well, then, it looks like I’m having dinner with my first female friend. I’m starving. Friends eat together, right?” He smirked.
“They do. But it’s Valentine’s Day, so I don’t think we’ll have any luck going anywhere, aside from The Golden Goose Diner.”