Page 37 of Loving Romeo

“It is.” His voice was hard. Firm.

Did it just get hot in here? I took another gulp of water. Sometimes it felt like he was flirting with me, and other times it felt like he couldn’t stand the sight of me.

My heart raced at the way he’d just admitted that he wanted to know.

“Let me guess, you’re asking for a friend?” I smirked.

His tongue dipped out and moved slowly back and forth across his bottom lip, and I squeezed my thighs together, shifting the slightest bit before letting out a breath.

I was so freaking frustrated.

Romeo Knight was wreaking havoc on my hormones.

“Well, Beefcake called dibs on you. So, I’ve got to make sure no one snags his girl when he isn’t looking.”

My head fell back in laughter because Cutler Heart was the cutest kid I’d ever met. I knew Nash had a son, but I’d been away at school for a few years, and I’d never met him.

“I wouldn’t dream of cheating on Beefcake. I know a good thing when I’ve got it.”

“I bet you do. So, how about you tell me why you fainted?” His eyes darkened as he studied me.

“I told you that I’m a little claustrophobic.”

“Don’t bullshit me, Demi. I know fear when I see it. I was already jumping in the ring right before you dropped. I saw the look on your face. Pinky just isn’t good at reading signals. But you were fucking scared. Terrified is probably more fitting.”

I looked away. How the hell did he see all that while I was several feet away from him?

“You’re misreading the situation.”

“I don’t think so. Why won’t you just tell me?”

“Tell you what?”

“Who did this to you? Who made you feel like you need to protect yourself? Is it your brother?”

That pissed me off. Yes, he had every right to suspect it was Slade. Sure, he was a drug addict who’d robbed me, but he’d never lay a hand on me. “Of course, you think it’s Slade.”

“He’s the most likely suspect.”

“I told you before that I’m not afraid of my brother. He’d never hurt me.”

“He could have hurt you when he broke into your place. If memory serves, the glass cut your hand,” he said, his gaze dropping to my hand as he reached for it, settling it in his large hand. He turned it over to inspect my palm and traced his finger over the long cut that was still healing.

I sighed and leaned back against the bench, not pulling my hand away. I liked the way he held it. The way he seemed to want to protect me. I didn’t let my guard down easily, but for whatever reason, I trusted Romeo Knight. He hadn’t told anyone about my brother, as far as I knew.

“I’m not taking boxing lessons because I’m afraid of Slade,” I whispered.

“But you’re afraid of someone?”

“I’m not afraid of anyone, but I’m aware that there are people who are stronger than me, and I want to be prepared for them.”

“Are you preparing for someone you know? Someone who’s scared you before?”

I wanted to push to my feet and walk out the door because I didn’t want to talk about this. But the way his fingers were stroking the inside of my palm was so soothing, I had no desire to move at the moment. Even if the conversation was heavy.

“Fine. Yes. I’ve been in a situation that I don’t want to be in again.”

His gaze softened. His wavy dark hair was tussled on his head, his sharp jaw peppered in just a bit of scruff, and his eyes felt like they were looking straight into my soul.