Of course, Blane shoved Scotty out of his chair and settled right beside me. His best friend, Brayden, gave me an apologeticlook. Blane was clearly heavily intoxicated. We ordered a round of shots and beers, and I tipped my head back after we all clinked our glasses together. I could feel the booze as it hit my system. I reached for my beer and felt some sort of pull. My head turned to see Romeo Knight holding what looked like a glass of water, surrounded by his best friends and a bunch of women I didn’t recognize.
Dark eyes locked with mine as his tongue slipped out and ran along his bottom lip. I smiled, and he looked away when someone beside him laughed. I forced my attention back to the table as Scotty told us that he was going to propose to Brynn next weekend. They’d dated all through high school, and I was surprised he hadn’t already done it.
Peyton shouted when our favorite song by the Zach Brown Band, “Chicken Fried,” started playing through the speakers, and most of the bar moved to their feet. I hurried out to the dance floor with the girls, raised my hands over my head, and swayed my hips. We were singing along to the lyrics when Blane stumbled out to the dance floor. He was harmless but a little annoying in the way he kept leaning in to talk to me and spitting all over me.
I pressed my hands against his shoulders to push him back a little, just as Romeo appeared out of nowhere. He wasn’t dancing. He wasn’t singing.
He looked pissed off, per usual.
He twisted Blane’s arm behind his back as he leaned down and whispered something in his ear, and my ex-boyfriend winced. Before I knew it, Scotty and Brayden were helping Blane off the dance floor. When I turned around, Romeo was gone.
“Looks like you’ve got yourself a sexy protector!” Peyton shouted in my ear as she continued jumping up and down and having a good time.
I watched as Blane left the bar with his friends, and my eyes locked with Romeo’s again. He hadn’t left. He was back in his seat, and no one there seemed aware of what he’d just done. His eyes were hard, and he looked pissed.
What the hell is his problem?
I tried to shake it off and danced to a few more songs before returning to our table to sip my beer. My phone vibrated, and I looked down to see a text that had my shoulders stiffening and my back going ramrod straight.
Unknown Number
Hey, D. Long time no chat. I was hoping we could talk sometime soon. Clear up this misunderstanding.
I got these random texts every once in a while, from unknown numbers, and I knew exactly who it was. I’d blocked Ronny’s number when I’d gotten the restraining order against him. I blocked the number before tucking my phone into my back pocket and pushing to my feet.
Nothing would sober you up quicker than a text message from a guy who scared the shit out of you.
I leaned into the table where my girlfriends were taking another shot. “I’m going to head home. I’ve got to be up early.”
“What?” Peyton whined. “We got you another shot.”
“You drink it.” I kissed her cheek. “I had a lot of fun.”
“I’ll be coming in for a nice, hot latte in the morning,” Roxy said as she wrapped her arms around me. “I’m so glad you’re living back home now.”
“Me, too.”
“I’ll come see you tomorrow,” Taylor said, as she reached for my shot glass and tipped her head back, downing the liquid. “I have a hunch we’ll all need one of those special concoctions you keep telling us about.”
“Yes! We love the magic hangover juice,” Peyton said. “Are you fine walking home alone?”
“Of course. It’s less than two blocks away, and we’re in Magnolia Falls.” I gave them each a hug goodbye before heading for the door.
The temperature had dropped, and I definitely regretted wearing my short skirt now. A sound behind me had my head whipping around.
My stomach dipped with excitement, but I raised a brow and feigned irritation. This man was so hot and cold. I couldn’t read him at all. “Are you following me?”
“Well, we do live next door to one another, Beans.” His voice was all tease as he moved in stride beside me.
My cheeks heated that he’d used the nickname.
I still couldn’t believe I’d shared that story with him.
If I’m being honest, I couldn’t believe he’d actually remembered the name.
“The timing seems strange, though, right?” I chuckled. “You happened to be heading home at the exact same time that I am?”