What’s he going to do? Climb a ladder and dive into a burning building? Seems a little risky when preparing for a fight.
We’ve got equipment he can use, asshole.
I officially start training tomorrow. Working on a training plan right now with Joey.
Joey was Rocco’s son, and he’d trained several professional fighters over the years, as well as being the heavyweightchampion forty-some years ago himself. He’d retired a few years ago from training fighters but was coming out to officially train me for this fight. He was family, and I was lucky to have his experience on my team. He and I had spent the last two hours working on a plan for how I’d train. He was old-school, gritty, and he’d get me in the best shape of my life, no doubt. Joey had trained me for the fight against Gunner when I’d earned professional status. I knew he was exactly what I needed. He was scribbling in a notebook and organizing things by the week.
My phone vibrated, and I glanced down to see the group chat still going off.
I’m glad he agreed to train you. The dude is going to torture you, though.
That’s what I need.
Think of the ladies that we’re going to pull with our boy being all over the media.
Don’t be a dick. He’s training for the fight of his life. This is not about how it benefits us.
Obviously, we’re there for Romeo. But if we happen to get laid a lot in the process, I’m happy to take one for the team, yeah?
Happy to help you out, old-timers.
Isn’t there some rule about no sex while you’re training?
Mick said that women make the legs weak.
Are we talking about Mick, the fictional character who trained Rocky in the movies?
For fuck’s sake.
Do not hate on Mick. He’s the best trainer to ever live.
That’s offensive to trainers that have actually trained fighters in real life.
I said what I said.