Page 24 of Loving Romeo

Why the fuck didn’t he let her use the stupid name if she wanted it?

“Your brother sounds like an asshole.”

“You don’t even know him.”

Oh, but I do.

“I know that he didn’t use the nickname that you asked him to use. I know that he broke into your business tonight and robbed you. That’s kind of enough to label him an asshole.”

And I know that he let me and my best friend take the rap for something that he did.

But the more I knew of her, the less I thought she probably knew about it.

“Fair enough. How about you? Do you have a nickname? Or a handle, like the ‘Italian Stallion’ when you fight?”

I fucking loved that she kept quotingRocky. They were my favorite movies, as well, but I hadn’t expected them to be hers. 1970s films about a boxer weren’t exactly as popular these days.

“Golden Boy. My friends sort of started it when I’d get into fights when we were young, and it stuck in my boxing career, I guess.”

“Romeo ‘Golden Boy’ Knight. It works. Very cool.”

“Says the girl who thought Beans was a cool name,” I said with a chuckle as I heard her yawn.

What the fuck were we doing talking like this?

I needed to end it.

“You haven’t fought in a long time?”

“Not in a few years.”

“How come?”

“That’s a story for another time.” One I didn’t plan on ever telling her. “Let’s try to get at least a few hours of sleep.”

“Fine. Thanks for letting me stay here tonight. Good night.”

“Good night, Beans,” I teased. I lay my head back down on the bed and closed my eyes as she chuckled.

And I let sleep take me.


Big news, boys. Our Golden Boy just agreed to fight that fucker, and Brinkley broke the news about three minutes ago, so get ready for this to be blasted all over town. Let the training begin.


Let’s go! I’m ready to see you wipe the mat with his annoying ass.


Dude, you’ve got this. Looks like we’re all going to Vegas in May, yeah?


Fuck, yeah. If you need to use anything at the firehouse for your training, just let me know.
