Now I couldn’t fuckingsleep because the smell of strawberries and coconut was wafting around my room, and after having her stare at my dick for a good thirty seconds, I was hard as a rock. And it wasn’t like I could relieve myself with her sleeping ten feet away from me.
A fucking Crawford was sleeping in my house.
The guys were going to shit themselves when they found out.
But what was I going to do? Leave her in that place with a broken door? I’m not a complete asshole.
I tossed and turned multiple times, unable to get comfortable because my dick had a mind of his own, and he was literally begging me to wrap my hand around him and release this tension that was bordering on painful.
“Romeo,” she whispered, catching me off guard.
“Are you having a hard time sleeping?”
“I guess. I’ve got a lot on my mind.” It was true, but the main reason I couldn’t sleep was because she was here.
“Is it about the fight with that Leo guy?”
I reached for a second pillow and propped it behind my head so I could sit up a bit. “That’s part of it.”
“Are you going to fight him?”
I liked the sound of her voice. It was smooth and sort of sultry, but effortless at the same time.
“I haven’t announced it yet.” I cleared my throat. “But yes, I am.”
“Well, we’re even. You kept my secret, and I’ll keep yours.”
“Mine is going to be public record tomorrow or the next day, so you won’t need to keep it in the vault for that long.” I chuckled.
“Are you nervous about it?”
I could feel the corners of my lips turn up at the question. Demi Crawford could hold her own when I was being a dick, but there was a sweetness there that I wasn’t used to. The last girl I dated sliced my tires with a razor blade, and the one before that fucked a guy at my gym because I went out with my boys one night when she wanted me to come over.
Sweet wasn’t something I’d ever been drawn to.
Not that I was drawn to Demi. She just happened to be here.
“I’m not necessarily nervous. I’m dreading telling my mom, my grandmother, and Tia. They won’t be happy. And I’m not looking forward to this being such a public fight. But I know that I’ll put in the work, and I’ll show up in the best shape of my life, and that’s all I can do, right?”
“Well, just for the record, theRockymovies are my favorite. Will you train like that? Drink raw eggs and chase chickens around a coop?” I could hear the humor in her voice.
“I guess. It’ll take me about three months of training all day, every day, between work. Luckily, my business is a gym, so that works in my favor. And I’ll need to change the way I eat so I can have the stamina to work out that hard. But I don’t think I need to drink raw eggs. I’m guessing I’ll cook them first.”
“Ahhh… you could be my guinea pig,” she said.
“I don’t think pumpkin chai lattes are on the menu for a boxer.”
“Don’t offend me. I know what kind of food is required when you train like that. I was a nutrition major. That’s my goal for the coffee shop, to incorporate juices and protein drinks into the menu. There’s a green drink I’ve been working on that would be perfect for you. It’s loaded with protein and packed with supplements that will help with energy and muscle repair. Protein shakes would be beneficial between meals, as well. While you’re building muscle and training hard, you need to meet the needs of your body.”
“You worried about my body, Demi?” My voice was gruff.
Jesus, we were talking about green drinks and protein shakes, and I was making it sexual.
She’s a fucking Crawford, dickhead. You won’t speak to her after tonight.
“Sure. I think it will help you to stay healthy. How about you let me try out some of my recipes on you, free of charge? If you like them, you can just tell people about them. It will be an advertisement for me.”