He glanced around, taking in all the broken glass, and he cursed under his breath. “You can sleep at my place. It’s just behind the gym.”
Well, this is unexpected.
“You want me to sleep at your place? You better not get any creepy ideas. I’m not sleeping with you to keep my secret.” I raised a brow, my chest rising and falling faster now. He may be an arrogant prick, but he was the best-looking guy I’d ever laid eyes on.
A wicked grin spread across his face. “Don’t get excited, Princess. You’re the last girl I’d sleep with. You’re a Crawford, after all.”
I didn’t want to sleep with him.
I had no interest in him.
So what if he was ridiculously good-looking?
I couldn’t stand the guy.
But hearing those words hit me hard.
Being hated for your last name. Being calledPrincessbecause you have a wealthy family wasold fucking news. I’d worked hard my entire life, but people made judgments about me before they even knew me, and I was sick of it.
And saying that I was the last girl he’d ever want to sleep with?
That was low, even for him.
But I was too tired to be hurt or angry or strong at the moment.
Everything was hitting me all at once, and before I knew what was happening, my hands covered my face and hysteria left my lips.
I am ugly crying in front of the sexiest guy in town—who I also despise.
And I couldn’t stop if I wanted to.
Two strong arms wrapped around me, and I wailed and cried against Romeo’s chest.
I didn’t care how weak I looked at that moment. I’d get my mojo back tomorrow. But tonight, I’d had enough.
And he just held me there.
I wanted to hate him, but this was the first time since that alarm went off that I actually felt safe.
I cried for what felt like hours but was probably more like ten minutes. Which was a pretty damn long time to cry in the arms of your nemesis.
My tears slowed. The lump in my throat eased.
I was taking deep breaths to calm myself, and I tipped my head back to look at him.
“Sorry about that. It’s just been a bad night.” I could hear the exhaustion in my voice.
“I was being a dick,” he said, the corners of his lips turning up the slightest bit. “You’re not the last girl I’d sleep with. I mean, Midge Longhorn scares the shit out of me. She’s definitely at the top of theno-fuck zone.”
Midge owned the Golden Goose and was a terrifying woman who also happened to be in her mid-sixties. She’d snap at customers and had the worst case of resting bitch face I’d ever seen. She’d gone through three divorces, and she didn’t hide her disdain for people well.
“I’m flattered. Don’t worry, Romeo. No one wants to sleep with you here. If you were the last guy on Earth, I’d take a vow of celibacy.” It was the best I could do in my current state.
My wittiness wasn’t on par. I’d just survived a devastating encounter with my brother, I’d had to put my trust in a person who despised me, and I was standing barefoot in a T-shirt that barely covered my ass.
Witty comebacks were low on the priority list at the moment.
But his tongue swiped out and ran along his bottom lip, and I squeezed my thighs together as hard as I could, because I was suddenly remembering that it had been a long time since I’d had sex.