I knew that he was doing it for me, and it only made me love him more. But if Slade messed up, I would have no problem sending him back to Boston. I was still skeptical, but there was more hope there now than there’d been in a long time.
Maybe because everything was out in the open. There were no secrets where my brother was concerned. He’d owned his mistakes, and he’d been given a second chance.
Now it was up to him what he decided to do with that.
“You look fucking gorgeous,” Romeo said, as he pulled me onto his lap.
My boyfriend looked so freaking good in a black suit that my mouth had gone dry when he’d walked into the room all dressed up.
River, Hayes, and Nash were all wearing black suits, as well, but Kingston had stayed true to his desire to wear a baby blue fitted suit, which they’d all razzed him about since we got here.
We were sitting at a table with twinkle lights all around us, eating dinner. Everyone in town was here.
“Thank you,” I said, nuzzling my nose against his.
“Damn. I need to find me a woman like Demi,” Kingston said.
“Didn’t you find one last night?” Nash teased. “Seems like you find yourself a new woman every week.”
“Hey now, don’t be hating on me like that. I’m just saying, a woman who takes care of me and wants to renovate a house with me sounds appealing.”
“You’d make it one week and be bored,” River said.
These guys had become family, and there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them.
“I think when King finds the right woman, he’ll be knocked on his ass.” I smiled at him because he loved when I took his side when the guys were giving him a hard time.
“And it’s such a good ass, too, isn’t it?”
“Please make him stop,” Hayes groaned. “No one wants to think about your ass.”
Everyone was laughing as Cutler made his way over to me. He was wearing a white suit with a blue carnation in the pocket. His hair was slicked back, per usual, and he had on white, shiny dress shoes that Nash had groaned about earlier because they were going to be filthy in a few hours. Cutler moseyed over to me and pulled out the flower.
“What’s up, Beefcake?” Kingston said, fist-bumping Cutler.
“I saw you all watching me on the dance floor, so I thought I better come over here.”
“We weren’t watching you,” Nash said with a laugh. “Although I did see you eating a chicken finger on the dance floor, and it caught my eye.”
Cutler smirked at his father before turning his attention to me.
“Demi, don’t worry about me dancing with Lexi. She goes to my school. She’s not my girl.”
“Well, she’s awfully cute,” I said.
“But she’s not you, is she?” he said, waggling his brows and matching the swagger of the men that had taken part in raising him.
Romeo leaned forward. “You moving in on my girl, Beefcake?”
“Well, you’re the champ now, Uncle Ro, so I’m not going to fight the champ. But if you don’t marry her, I’ll grow up and marry her myself.”
“Shots fired,” River said over his laughter, as he high-fived Cutler.
My head fell back in laughter, and I looked up to see my father watching me from the other side of the party. He’d pushed to attend, and my mother didn’t want to completely exclude him.
Romeo must have caught it, too, because he leaned close to my ear. “You want me to go with you to speak to him?”
He’d been encouraging me to talk to my dad, as he’d called multiple times since I’d returned from the fight. It shocked me that Romeo wanted me to repair my relationship with my father after the way he’d treated him.