Page 123 of Loving Romeo

I never did hear the number ten because the auditorium exploded in celebration as the guys charged the ring, and Romeo fell against Lincoln and River, as they supported him.

“He did it!” Rod shouted. “I can’t believe it.”

“What a fight! I don’t think anyone expected this outcome,” Ben said.

Brinkley and I were hugging, and then I was rushing toward the ring, needing to make sure he was okay. Brinkley was right behind me as we shoved past a few spectators to make our way to his corner.

Hayes and Nash were standing there crying, and River and Kingston were shaking their heads in disbelief.

I hugged Hayes, and he quickly lifted me up as my sling made it near impossible to pull myself up there. River reached over and grabbed me.

“Our boy did it, Beans!” he shouted. “Go congratulate him.”

I maneuvered the best I could through the crowd that had gathered in the ring, and I saw him.

My Romeo.

He was searching the crowd for me, and his gaze locked with mine.

Lincoln must have picked up on it because he shoved a few people out of the way, clearing a path for me to his brother.

I lunged at him, and he scooped me up into his arms.

“You did it!” I shouted over the noise as I buried my face in his neck.

“We did it, baby. I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you.” I didn’t know how long he held me there as I sobbed, and everyone congratulated him.

But he wouldn’t let go.

He kept me close.

And then I pulled back when they were ready to announce the winner, which everyone already knew was Romeo, due to the knockout.

Brinkley found my hand, and I stood with her and Lincoln as they held up Romeo’s arm, and he and Leo actually hugged.

They’d gone to battle, and they’d both fought like hell.

There was a mutual respect now.

The emcee took to the mic and asked Romeo several questions.

He thanked his coach and his team and all the guys and me. He was humble and genuine and honored when they handed him the belt.

“So, what will you do to celebrate, Romeo?” the man asked him.

“Right now, I’d just like to take my girl home.”

More cheers came from the crowd as he thanked the man and then made his way to his corner, where we were all waiting for him.

He wrapped his arms around me and tipped my head back and kissed me.

I tangled my hand in his hair and kissed him right back.

I didn’t care who was watching.

I was too busy loving Romeo to care about anything else.