As if the exhaustion was too much for more than that.
They’d throw a punch and then stagger as the other landed theirs.
Again and again.
Everyone was on their feet, screaming and shouting.
“I’ve honestly never seen anything like this before,” Ben said, his voice filling the arena through the speakers. “The heart and the determination. It’s unbelievable.”
It was then that Leo landed a hit that had Romeo stumbling back on his ass, and the entire auditorium gasped in unison.
He was down.
And the countdown started.
“One. Two. Three!” the ref shouted, and Romeo crawled toward the side, reaching for the ropes.
Leo stood, shoulders slumped, and you could see the hope in his eyes that Romeo would stay down.
“Four. Five.”
I couldn’t breathe as I watched. Joey was telling him to stay down. Lincoln and River both had tears streaming down their faces.
Hayes, Nash, and Kingston had their faces buried in their hands as if they couldn’t watch.
And I shouted at the top of my lungs. “Get up, Romeo!”
He’d come this far, and I knew that going the distance was what he’d wanted. He had a minute and a half left to go. As muchas I wanted him to stay down, I knew how important it was to him to go the distance. To remain on his feet.
The crowd must have picked up on what I’d said, as they all started chanting those words.“Get up, Romeo!”
Over and over.
“Six. Seven.”
He reached for the last rope and pushed to his feet as a startling roar filtered around the arena.
“He’s on his feet!” Rod shouted into the microphone over the roars of the crowd.
I had both hands over my mouth as I watched him nod at the ref and move toward Leo, who looked completely devastated that this wasn’t over.
They both raised their gloves and went at it once again.
Punch after punch.
Hit after hit.
And that was when the shift came.
They weren’t going one for one anymore. It was only Romeo throwing the shots now. He pushed Leo into the corner and just kept going.
Leo no longer held up his arms as he slowly started to slide down the ring. The ref pulled Romeo back as Leo fell to the ground in a heap.
The deafening screams were overwhelming, and it was difficult to see through my tears.
The ref started another countdown, but Leo wasn’t making any effort to get up. He held his hands up in defeat, but the ref continued to count.
“Seven. Eight. Nine.”