All three of us made our way out of the hospital, and Brinkley informed us that we would make it there in plenty of time, pending there was no traffic. But Las Vegas on a Friday night was always crowded, so I was eager to get on the road.
We’d all agreed not to tell Romeo or Lincoln or anyone that we were driving there. Brinkley just told Lincoln that I’d been released, and she was going to help me get settled at home, and she would be there before the fight.
We didn’t want Romeo worrying about me coming there, so this was the best option.
As we were rushing out of the hospital, my father was walking toward me, his face red and angry.
“What’s this? You’ve been released? I asked for another MRI.”
I glanced over at Brinkley and Tia and asked them to give me one minute.
“I’ve been cleared, Dad. Two MRIs and a CT scan were more than enough. I’m heading to my place to get unpacked, and then I’m going to go watch the fight with friends. I’m fine.” I didn’t even feel guilty lying to him now. He’d lied so many times that I doubted he even remembered what the truth was.
And at the end of the day, I no longer trusted him. I didn’t trust that he wouldn’t tip off Ronny or his family. I didn’t trust that he would do something to stop me from going to Las Vegas.
I don’t trust my father to have my back.
But Romeo always had, since the moment we’d gotten together.
And I was going to return the favor.
I was going to be there for him the way he’d always been there for me.
My father’s gaze searched mine. “You know I love you, right? I just want to keep you safe.”
His words didn’t hold any weight anymore, but this wasn’t the time to take him on.
That day would come.
Today was about Romeo, not my father.
“I do. I love you, too. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“All right, sweetheart. I guess I’ll head back to the city. Your mom isn’t ready for me to come home, and I’ve been staying at that hotel in town while you’ve been here.”
“Go back to the condo and get some rest.” I kissed him on the cheek and hurried to the car, where Brinkley and Tia were waiting for me.
“Brinks was going to pepper-spray him if he tried to pull you into his car,” Tia said.
“He’s not quite at the level of kidnapping me just yet, but thanks for having my back. Now, let’s get on the road,” I said, climbing into the passenger seat of Brinkley’s rental. Tia hadinsisted I sit up front so they could keep an eye on me and make sure I didn’t pass out, which made me laugh.
“You do realize I passed out because I hit my head on the pavement. I’m not a fainter.”
“Yeah. But Dr. McHottypants whispered for us to keep an eye on you, and I’ve googled all the concussion symptoms.” She held up her phone and turned on her flashlight, nearly blinding me. “Pupils look good.”
Brinkley pulled out of the parking lot over a fit of laughter. “Dr. McHottypants is twice your age. Your brothers would lose their shit over you crushing on him.”
“He’s a silver fox,” Tia said. “Hey, I’m excited about this last-minute girls’ trip, but I have no clothes with me.”
“We have no time to stop. We can shop in Vegas,” Brinkley said, as she merged onto the freeway.
We spent the next few hours talking about all that had happened over the last few days. I checked the odds on the fight, and Romeo was a huge underdog, but he’d known that going into this.
My stomach twisted in knots as we got closer, and I kept checking the time.
We’d stopped once to use the bathroom, and Tia had bought enough junk food for a week’s-long vacation.
“Okay, so what’s the plan?” I asked as we turned down Las Vegas Boulevard, and I slipped my tennis shoes back on.