The factthat I’d spent three freaking nights in this hospital when I should have been released shortly after the surgery had pissed me off beyond belief.
I was fine.
My tests had all come back normal.
I had a broken arm. Lots of people broke their arms, and they didn’t spend three nights in the hospital. Yes, I’d hit my head. Also, not my first time hitting my head. My dad was playing games. I’d now realized who he was. He always got his way because he played dirty.
He didn’t want me at that fight, and he’d proven his point.
But he’d better buckle up because I was about to break myself out of this hospital and get my ass to that fight.
I was going to be there for Romeo whether my father approved of it or not.
Brinkley, Peyton, and Tia had taken shifts staying here with me. They’d finally admitted that Romeo had asked them to make sure someone was with me at all times. They were keeping him updated on how I was doing.
I never doubted that he loved me.
I knew he needed to be focused on the fight, or I’d snatch Tia’s phone and call him right now. But worrying about me was the last thing he should be doing.
I didn’t need my father’s permission to go to Las Vegas.
I didn’t need Romeo’s permission to go to his fight either.
I was a grown-ass woman who could make my own choices.
Unfortunately, I needed Dr. Westman’s permission to get the hell out of here.
“How’d you sleep?” Tia asked from the cot beside me as she stretched her arms over her head.
“Not good. It’s fight day. We’ve got to get out of here, Tia. I mean, we are down to the wire.”
“Demi, I think you need to just watch the fight on TV here. Your dad is not going to be okay with this. And Romeo doesn’t want you at that fight. He doesn’t want you anywhere near Leo.”
“And I respect their opinions, but I disagree. And I’m going, with or without you guys,” I said, just as Brinkley walked into the room with three coffees in her hands.
“What are we talking about?” she asked as she studied me and handed me my drink.
“The fight. I’m going to be there. Where is Dr. Westman? I’ve had enough.”
Brinkley studied me for a long moment and then handed Tia her coffee. “There are two police officers waiting out in the hallway to speak to you. They think they have a lead.”
“What the hell is going on? Is everyone trying to stop me from going to that fight?” I tossed my hands into the air.
“I don’t think they care about the fight. I think they care about catching the guys who put you in here. And if we can prove Leo did it, then I am all for it.”
“Fine. Send them in.” I shrugged as the nurse walked into the room. “Maggie, I’m begging you to get Dr. Westman to come here and release me. Please.”
She nodded. “He said he was coming here in about fifteen minutes. So, hang tight. I’ll go see where he is.”
The two officers came walking in, and I sat on the edge of the bed as they both stood in front of me. “I know we’ve questioned you a lot about this, but we found some footage that actually came from the cameras that you had installed on your building. Peyton gave us all the tapes, and we’ve been going through them. We didn’t think the angles were going to catch anything, but sure enough, we got a pretty good photo of the man who struck you because his mask had come off when Romeo had thrown him to the ground. We can’t see the other two men’s faces, but if we can catch one, it’ll lead to the others.”
“You probably don’t know him, but we ran him through the system, and nothing has come up, so he doesn’t have a record. It’s a long shot, but we wanted to see if you recognized him before we go public with the photo,” the female officer said.
“Okay. I’m happy to look at it. Do you have the photo?”
She pulled out a photograph from the file she was holding and handed it to me.