We arrived at the hospital quickly, where a team of people were waiting for us. I jumped out as they took the gurney, and I jogged alongside her.
“You need to stay here so we can assess her.”
“Fuck!” I shouted in frustration that I couldn’t go with her.
One of the paramedics put a hand on my shoulder, and I whipped around, ready to fight him. He held up his hands, eyes wide. “She’s going to be okay. Let them take care of her. She’s in good hands.”
I nodded, running a hand through my hair as I leaned against the wall.
How the fuck did this happen?
Shouting came from the entrance, and I looked up to see River and Kingston running toward me.
“What happened? We just heard from Pinky. Nash and Hayes are on their way. I called Demi’s mom, and she was already on her way.”
Two police officers approached us, and they bent down to get eye level with me. Kingston handed me a bottle of water, and I chugged it.
“Can you tell us what happened?”
I couldn’t wrap my head around any of it.
“I’d run to my place to pack. She was in her apartment. I watched her go inside,” I said, my words frantic. I looked up to see Demi’s parents and her grandparents right behind them. I pushed to my feet, and Rose lunged at me, wrapping her arms around me.
“Is she okay?” Her words were muffled sobs.
“I don’t know. She was in a lot of pain and coming in and out of consciousness. I don’t know what the fuck just happened.”
“Romeo.” Demi’s grandfather’s voice broke through all the hysteria. He clapped an arm on my shoulder. “Take a breath and slow down. Tell us what happened.”
I nodded. River and Kingston were beside me. The two officers stood beside Demi’s parents as they all waited for me to speak.
“I was heading over to Demi’s place, and three guys jumped me. They came out of nowhere. I had it handled. I had it fucking handled. One guy was already down on the ground.” My voice cracked, and I let out a breath. “He was down, but they were coming from every side. And then I saw Demi out of my peripheral, and it was all a blur. I tried to get to her. But before I could do anything, the asshole on the ground went to swing at me and hit Demi instead. She went flying. Landed hard on the ground. She was unconscious for maybe thirty seconds, and then she was crying in pain. I don’t know how this fucking happened.”
Demi’s mom and grandmother were crying now, and everyone else was shaking their heads in disbelief.
“Do you know who these men were?” one of the officers asked.
“They had masks on. One of them lost their mask after he hit Demi, but I didn’t get a good look at his face because I was worried about her. But they said they were sending me a message from Leo.”
“Jesus Christ,” Demi’s father hissed as he glared at me.
“What was the message?” the officer asked.
“That I was going down in the first round, and I better stay down.”
“That piece of shit,” River hissed. “If he’s so confident, why in the hell is he having you jumped?”
“It doesn’t make any sense,” I said.
“Yet you brought my daughter into your mess. You put her in a position to be hurt. Let that sink in,” Demi’s father said, and my gaze locked with his. I’d hated the man for what he’d done to me and River, but for the first time, I agreed with him.
He was right. I had done this.
I’d brought her into this bullshit mess of mine.
My life was messy. Always had been. But I’d never had to worry about another person before now.
“Spoken like a man who knows what it’s like to bring innocent people into their mess, huh?” River growled.