“Leo Burns sent a message that you’re going down in the first round, and you better stay down,” the dude hissed in my ear as the other tried to wrestle me into a headlock. The third dude was stumbling back toward me as I used my head to ram the guy holding my neck. I heard the crack as he fell to the ground, and I swung at the other dude, who was kicking and punching like a fucking lunatic. As I turned to swing at the asshole who was charging at me again, I saw a blurry vision just as I heard her voice.
I spun as fast as I could when I realized she’d come outside.
And before I could stop it, the dude’s hand swung back, and she went flying through the air. Her body landed hard against the pavement. I lost my shit, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him across the alley. He landed on a car, and the alarmsounded. His mask was gone, but I didn’t have time to see who he was.
“Shit!” one of them shouted as Demi lay lifeless beside him.
I sprinted toward her as the three cowards were cussing and running off like little pussies.
“Demi. Baby.” I reached beneath her neck as she lay on the pavement, unconscious. “Demi!”
I leaned down, putting my ear to her nose and mouth. She was breathing. I tried tapping her face as hysteria took over. “Baby, can you hear me?”
Her eyes opened suddenly, and a sound I would never get out of my head escaped her throat. She cried out in absolute pain as I realized her arm was turned in the wrong direction.
“Romeo, what happened?” Pinky shouted. He must have come from his place when he heard the car alarm going off.
“Call 9-1-1,” I said, running my hand through my hair, not knowing what to do. Afraid to touch her. Hurt. Her.
I heard him on the phone, and he sounded frantic.
“Tell them to get someone here right fucking now!” I shouted.
“They’re on their way,” he said, bending down to assess the situation.
“Baby, look at me.” I held her face in both of my hands, careful not to move her.
She continued to sob, and I heard the sirens in the distance. “They’re almost here. We’re going to get you some help. You’re going to be okay.”
The sounds leaving her mouth shattered me. I couldn’t move her for fear of hurting her, so I just lay down on the ground beside her, whispering into her ear. “I’m right here, baby.”
She wasn’t making any sense outside of the cries of pain that were coming from her lithe body. She seemed to be coming inand out as she’d cry and then go completely silent for twenty to thirty seconds at a time, and then the cries would come again.
“What the fuck is taking so long!” I shouted.
“Here they come, Romeo.” Pinky’s voice cracked as he bent down to talk to us. “You’re okay, Beans. They’re going to help you.”
I heard the ambulance come to a stop a few feet from me, and the sound of people running our way had me whispering in my girl’s ear. “They’re here, baby. It’s going to be okay. Stay with me.”
There were three guys there bending down to look at her as I sat up and told them what happened. She cried out again, and they shifted me out of the way so they could assess her. Before I knew what was happening, there was a gurney there, and they were carefully shifting her onto the bed.
“How long was she unconscious?” one of them asked as I took her hand on the arm that wasn’t injured and walked with them as they hurried toward the ambulance.
“I don’t know. Maybe thirty seconds. And she seems to be coming in and out of it.”
He nodded, and I climbed into the ambulance without asking for permission. They’d need to fight me if they tried to stop me from going with her. I called out to Pinky. “Call the guys, and call her mom.”
One of the guys called ahead on the radio to say they had a patient with suspected head trauma and a severe arm injury coming in. He also mentioned her name, as clearly, her family was well-known in Magnolia Falls. I hoped like hell that would get her the best attention possible when we got there.
“Are you hurt?” the other guy asked me as he took her vitals and checked her blood pressure. I rested my head beside her face so I could hear the sound of her breathing.
“I’m fine. She’s fucking hurt. You need to help her.” I didn’t recognize my own voice. The panic. The fear.
Suddenly, nothing else mattered.
All that mattered was her.