Page 6 of After the Storm

“He’s actually a really good dancer when you can convince him to get out there and do it.”

“Well, if memory serves, the cowboy only came to life for his wild raven.” She chuckled. I’d met Lola right when I’d started dating Cage all those years ago, so she’d known everything, even the nicknames we’d called one another. “You were the only one that ever got that man to do anything. So, I’m guessing he doesn’t do a lot of line dancing these days.”

“I mean, clearly, he had a baby with someone else, so I must not be theonly onewho can get him to do things.” I shrugged as that heaviness settled in my chest again.

She pulled me to my feet. “Come on. Let’s get dressed up and do our hair and go out like old times. You could use it. Tomorrow, your dad comes home, and you’ll be working with his team to get him back on track, and you’ll be busy being the female superstar of the New York legal world. But for tonight, let’s have some drinks and some laughs and forget about all this shit that will be there waiting for us tomorrow.”

It was the last thing I felt like doing, but Lola was right.

Everything would be waiting for me tomorrow.

We made our way to the bathroom, and my phone vibrated for the millionth time today.

The Devil

Baby. Please talk to me. I can explain. I’m not signing these papers until we talk.

So maybe I’d changed Wes’s name in my contact list. I didn’t claim to be the most mature person on the planet. There was nothing more to say to him. He’d showed up at our penthouseafterthe story broke, just in time to see me packing my bags to head home. I wasn’t leaving because of him, of course. My dad needed me.

I wasn’t running from my home because I wasn’t the asshole who’d strayed. He would be the one moving out.

He’d admitted to the affair. Told me it meant nothing to him, and it was just sex.

He’d said it like he’d taken her to coffee or flirted with her a little too much.

She was having his child, for God’s sake.

Why was he even trying?

We had nothing.

We hadn’t for a long time.

I think, in a way, I was as angry with myself as I was with Wes because I’d allowed things to go too far. I was obviously embarrassed that the whole world knew about the affair, including the people I worked with. My family. My friends.

My mother.

But I realized it was the embarrassment that hurt the most. The lack of respect for the history that we’d shared, at the very least.

The friendship that still remained, or at leasthadremained, up until now.

But it didn’t hurt that he’d actually been with someone else—at least not the way that it should hurt.

We hadn’t been together in so long that I couldn’t even remember the last time that we’d had sex. It had been over a year, so what did that say about me?

Why didn’t I leave a long time ago?

I wasn’t this girl.

I was ready to kick his ass to the curb.

But tonight, I just wanted to forget all of it.

Tomorrow was a new day.

