Page 43 of After the Storm

“Who’s all over the place now?” I asked, throwing the truck in park.

“Did you seriously pull into a motel next to a gas station with a red, murderous sign that saysdie?”

“It’s supposed to say diesel. Clearly, the last three letters burned out.” I’d admit it was a little creepy that the snow was falling so hard it was a complete whiteout, aside from the red letters of death that lit up the sky.

I wasn’t ready to have the conversation she was trying to have. I had been hot and cold with her. Worried about her ex hurting her one minute and not wanting to get too close the next.

It was fucked up.

I was fucked up.

But right now, we needed to find a place to sleep for a few hours and stay warm until this storm died down.

I turned off the ignition. “Let’s bring the food. I doubt this place has room service.”

“You think? The welcome sign at the neighboring gas station looks like the entrance to hell. I doubt we’re getting a burger and fries here.”

“Lose the attitude. We’re alive. It’s a win,” I snapped at her and reached over the seat to get my coat before grabbing the ziplock baggy and tossing it into the shopping bag. I watched as she zipped her tall boots on her feet over her jeans before she leaned forward to pull her dress coat on.

Not the wisest clothing options for the blizzard from hell.

She pushed her door open, and I jumped out, as well. My legs and back were stiff, but at least my dick had calmed his ass down.

“I knew you blamed me for bringing you on this trip!” she yelled as she slung her purse over her shoulder and held onto the side of the truck.

“Yeah, you’re probably wishing you wore better footwear about now, huh?”

“You just can’t wait to stick it to me, can you?” she snipped as she let go of the truck and stomped toward the motel. We’d parked fifty feet away because we had the trailer on the back, and I didn’t want to block anyone in.

“Slow down. It’s pure ice.”

“I’m fine! I live in New York!” She turned around, anger radiating from her hot little body, and it all happened in slow motion. Her purse flew from her shoulder as her legs went up in the air, and she came straight down on her back, landing on the snow-covered parking lot.


I hurried over to help her up and reached for her hand, but of course, her stubborn ass refused the help.

“I don’t need your help,” she said, and her voice wobbled.

“Take my goddamn hand.”

I attempted to set the bag down, blinking as the snow soaked us both, making it difficult to see anything other than her. I tugged hard as I pulled her to her feet, just as my boot lost traction, and I went backward, with Presley falling forward. Her body was limp as she landed completely on top of me, and hysterical laughter left her lips.

And just like that, my legs and back weren’t the only things that were stiff.



I could not rememberthe last time I’d laughed this hard. I’d been scared for my life just a few minutes earlier. Worried that I’d put Cage in danger. Frustrated that the man was friendly one minute and appeared to hate me the next. Yet, here I was, sprawled out on top of him, with the snow coming down hard as he blinked up at me. Popcorn and Hot Tamales covered the snow like confetti, as he’d clearly forgotten to zip up his treat bag.

And all I could do was laugh.

“Is this funny to you?” he asked, but the softness in his gaze made my chest squeeze.

“It’s a little funny.” I shifted to get up, and something hard poked me in my lower belly.

Oh. My. God.