Page 94 of After the Storm


We’re here for you if you want to talk about it.

What is there to talk about? I knew she was leaving. We had a plan, and we stuck to it. That’s it.


We’ve got openings for extras at Big Sky Ranch. I had no idea you were such a good actor. Do you want me to throw your name into the hat?

Why can’t you just accept that I’m okay?


Why can’t you just accept that you’re not?

I scrubbeda hand down the back of my neck. Fucking Brinkley never knew when to stop pushing. None of them did.


It’s okay to not be okay. You know that, right? We all see how you are together, so we know it’s going to suck when she leaves. That’s all it is, brother. We’re worried about you.


I’ve cried twice today thinking about her leaving, and I don’t see her as much as you do. So I know it has to hurt.


Weren’t you the guy who told me to stop being a with Reese? So, apparently, you can dish it out, but you can’t take it? I’m here to call you out on your bullshit, just as you would for me. STOP BEING A PUSSY AND TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL.

I’m not being a pussy, you dickwanker. Nothing has changed between her and me. I admit it. But at the end of the day, it’s not about admitting it. I think we both know it. But we have different lives, and mine is here with my daughter, and hers is in New York, conquering the world. I would never ask Presley to give up her dreams for me. So, can we stop analyzing it now? I’ve got bad luck when it comes to love. There’s no sense wallowing. Shit happens. I got to have these last few weeks with her, and it’s been fucking amazing. Never thought I’d get that much, so I’ll take it. And my daughter fucking loves her and will probably be as devastated as I’ll be when she leaves. There. Now we’re all fucking cleansed. Can we stop talking about this now?


Honest and vulnerable. I’m crying.


This is big. Huge. Impressive. You love her enough to put her needs first.


I’ve got to tell you… I did not see an emotional confession coming from you in my lifetime. Kudos, brother. I still think you should tell her. I know you think she knows, just like I thought Reese knew how I felt, but saying it can be pretty freeing.

It can also put a lot of pressure on her. I’m not looking to guilt her into a life she doesn’t want. Trust me, she knows how I feel.


I like seeing this from you, brother. Good shit.

I’m glad you’re all so pleased. Love sucks. Thanks for the pep talk.


You still have Maxine. She’s never leaving Cottonwood Cove, and I don’t think she’s ever planning to leave your house.

It’s coming to an end. She’s destroying my house. She can get out of her playpen now. She chewed up part of the throw rug in the family room. She dug up some plants. She needs to go back home.
