Page 37 of After the Storm

“So, did Wes sign the papers?”

“He did. Everything has been filed. No more worrying, okay? I’m going to head out now.” I was looking forward to seeing Gracie again. There was just something about her. She was all warmth and sweetness. Hopefully, that would balance out her father’s sudden disdain for me.

“Call me when you arrive there, and let me speak to Cage about the horse.”

“I will. Get some rest.”

I made my way out to the driveway, where Butch had pulled up the truck with the horse trailer attached to the back. He reminded me for the hundredth time to take it slow over the pass. White Peak was on the other side of the mountain, which was a narrow road that I’d never loved driving on.

I pulled over at Cottonwood Blooms on my drive to the school to pick up the pink and white bouquet I’d ordered this morning for Gracie. I may not have been a pageant girl, but I knew that you always brought flowers to a party or a show. Janine, who owned the floral shop, was as friendly as she’d always been, and I waved goodbye before getting back into the truck.

When I pulled up and found a place to park the oversized monstrosity, I glanced in the mirror and reapplied some lipstick. I’d decided to wear my pink blouse and dark jeans with my tan knee-high boots and my camel-colored dress coat. I wasn’t sure what you wore to a kindergarten Valentine’s Day party, and I was suddenly more nervous than I’d been for red carpet events with my ex-husband.

I saw the text from Cage, which was very him.


Room 1A

I laughed as I stepped inside the building and followed the crowd down the hallway. He was a man of few words, especially when his walls were up.

And they were definitely up.

When I walked into the classroom, Gracie came running toward me. I didn’t know that I’d ever felt this kind of instant love for another person. Well, maybe for her father, back in the day. I bent down, and her arms settled around my neck. She smelled like strawberries, and her hair was up in two little buns, with wild curls springing free. Her cheeks were pink, and she smiled this cute, crooked smile that was absolutely adorable.

“I’m so happy you’re here. Come sit with me and Daddy. We have a special spot for you.”

“Thank you for having me.” I pushed to stand, and she led me to the table where the sexiest man in the room was sitting on a very tiny chair, looking like an oversized grump. I didn’t miss the way several women watched him, and their gaze moved to me when I sat in the chair on the other side of Gracie, who sat between us.

“These are for you,” I said. She made this little gasping sound and reached for the floral arrangement, holding it to her nose, her little eyes closing, and she breathed them in.

“These are the prettiest flowers I’ve ever seen, Presley.”

Cage huffed and glanced at the pink roses that he’d brought that were lying on the table. “You just said that to me.”

“But I’ve never gotten flowers from Presley before. I love yours, too, but hers are extra pretty.”

Gracie left to get us each a cup of juice, as all the kids were serving their parents.

Or theirguests, as I’m sure Cage had clarified many times before I’d arrived.

I understood his need to protect her, but she’d invited me to a school Valentine’s Day party. She wasn’t offering me a kidney.

“Thanks for coming,” he said, keeping his voice low.

“Of course. I’m happy to be here. Are you sure you’re okay with the drive today? I’m hoping we’re back by around seven p.m.”

“Yes. It’s fine. My parents are happy to have Gracie for a few hours. The truck has snow tires, right? The weather said it’s going to snow, but I’ve been hearing it for days now.”

“That’s what I told my dad. If for any reason it gets bad, we’ll just turn around and come home.”

Gracie handed me a paper cup, her sweet smile reaching her dark brown eyes once again. Damn, she was cute. We sat there sipping our juice and eating cookies when Gracie’s teacher came over to say hello.

“It’s nice to see you, Mr. Reynolds.”

“I keep telling you, you can call me Cage. You were my teacher back in the day,” he said.

She smiled, but she didn’t call him by his first name. Instead, she turned her attention to me. “I’m Mrs. Clifton. Who do we have here?”