Page 24 of After the Storm

Her head whipped around, and her mouth fell open. “Shut the mother fucking front door!”

“Relax. He said he’d sign the papers if I agreed to meet with him. He’s just flying in for dinner.”

“How noble of him. Is he bringing his baby mama with him?”

“That would make for an interesting dinner, wouldn’t it?” I shook my head and laughed. What had felt mortifying just a week ago, had somehow become comical to me now.

Maybe being back here in this small town that I’d always loved was having a healing effect on me.

My life was still a shit show, but somehow, I didn’t feel so alone anymore.



My phone vibratedas I sat at my desk, and I glanced down to see the never-ending text thread lighting up.


Hey, I ran into Farah at Cup of Cove, and she told me she saw you talking to Presley Duncan when she picked up Gracie a few days ago.


WHAT? Why would you not tell us that? Why are we hearing it from a third party?

Because I didn’t want to make it a big fucking thing.


I know it didn’t go well at Garrity’s the other night. Did it go better the second time around?

It’s fine. She met Gracie. We don’t hate each other. There’s not much more to say.


You know you can tell us if you’re hurting.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’m fine. I don’t need a therapy session, so don’t go running to Mom and tell her about this. I’m fine. Presley’s fine. There is nothing to dissect.


Hmmmm… You’ve loved one woman in your entire grumpy existence, and you expect us to believe that it’s no big deal that she’s here? I’m not buying it.



You don’t need to fucking buy it. Just because you two think something does not make it true. I. Am. Fucking. Fine.


Sure sounds like it.

I wasn’t about to tell them that my daughter had become consumed with questions about Presley. She’d come home from dance and talked nonstop about myspecial friend.How the fuck was I going to get her to tone it down before Sunday dinner? The whole family would be all up in my business if this went any further.


I think he’s given his heart to Maxine now. Last time I was over, that pig was awfully territorial.