Page 101 of After the Storm

I looked over to see four paramedics working on Cage, as one was calling something into the radio, but it was all a blur. The driver of the car stood there staring and looking a little shocked as the police officer questioned him.

The officer came over to speak to me as they were loading Gracie into the ambulance, and I cut him off. “You’ll have to talk to us at the hospital. I need you to go get that pig and just shove her inside the house and pull the door closed, please. She’s friendly. Can you do that?”

He nodded. “Of course.”

Gracie and Cage were loaded into two different ambulances, and my heart split in two as I saw the pain in his eyes when he looked over at me.

“You stay with her, Presley. Call my parents.”

I nodded as the tears rolled down my cheeks, and I kept hold of Gracie’s hand and moved inside the ambulance.

I dialed Alana, and when I tried to speak, the words were jumbled as the lump in my throat made it difficult to talk.

“You need to come to the hospital,” was all I was able to get out.

“We’re on our way,” she said. Her voice was even, but I heard the fear.

I ended the call and turned my attention to Gracie, who was looking up at me. Her dark eyes were a mix of sadness and fear.

“Hey, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, okay? Daddy’s right behind us.”

She nodded and sniffed as the medic wiped some of the blood from her forehead and searched her head for any injuries.

“You’re going to be okay. It looks like you got away with very few scratches,” she said, patting her on the shoulder.

“Is Daddy mad at me, Presley?” she asked, as more tears slipped down her cheeks.

“Of course not. He’s just so happy you’re okay.”

“But I’m not supposed to go in the street. I was just trying to catch Maxine. I didn’t see the car.”

“I know you didn’t. Everything is going to be okay. I promise.”

And I just hoped like hell that it was true.



I’d madesome big mistakes in my life.

And plenty of them.

But this… this would go down as the worst.

This would be my reminder of how easy it was to fuck up so badly that there was no return.

I closed my eyes as the paramedic pressed something to my forehead. I was pissed that I was in this ambulance while my daughter was in another one.

My baby girl.

I’d never get that image out of my head.

Her hair flying behind her while she ran after that motherfucking pig. I’d kept an animal that wasn’t even mine, and it nearly cost my daughter her life.

But it wasn’t the pig I was pissed at.

It was myself.