Page 79 of Protective Instinct

When her sobs subsided, he said, “You have raised a remarkable man, Izzy. He’s so accomplished. Intelligent. Witty. Loyal to a fault.”

She pulled away from his arms and sat up straight, wiping her eyes. “He is, isn’t he? I’ll gladly take some credit for that,” she said with an impish grin.

He laughed, and she joined in. Then they talked—for hours. Not moving from the couch, they opened their hearts to each other. Max felt as though his heart was literally glowing inside his chest. He felt lighter than he had in years.

“Is there anyone in your life?” Max asked, holding his breath.

“There is no one. I never stopped loving you, Maxie,” she said, a fresh tear in the corner of her eye. “I’m not foolish enough to think we can just magically pick up where we left off, but I don’t want to see you disappear from my life.”

He smiled and kissed her hand, a calm washing over him. “I want you in my life, too, Izzy. So badly. I’m afraid if I stop touching you, you’ll disappear, or I’ll wake up from a really great dream.”

She gave him a tender smile despite the fresh tears. “If I’m dreaming, I don’t want to wake up.”

He reached up and gently wiped a tear from her chin and cleared his throat, clogged with emotion.

“Maybe we can plan a wedding together. Morgan is a treasure. She’s so good for Bash. Pushes him out of his comfort zone. When they are together, he can’t stop touching her. He hasn’t been this inspired about anything since he graduated from college and sold his first book. Did you know he has almost finished his next one?”

“I did. From what he has described, it sounds a lot like a variation of his adventures with Morgan. He really loves her, doesn’t he?” He couldn’t stop marveling at her penetrating hazel eyes that still took his breath away.

Cupping his face in her hands, she whispered, “And she loves him just as much, if not much more.”

The double meaning of her words filled him with hope.