Page 51 of Protective Instinct

“Boss isn’t going to like you going around in jeans. That’s not the image he wants us to project,” an older man said.

“I doubt he wants me to stink either. If he’d let us get a hotel room instead of sleeping in the car, maybe the suit would have made it a little longer. Unless you tell him, he’ll never know. Now take a fuckin’ load off and let me get cleaned up!”

Morgan was stunned. How did they find out about the RV? Had to be the salesman. But why? It had only been hours since Max purchased it.

When the shower began running, Morgan assumed they would be occupied for at least a few minutes. Seeing no one else, she ran to the far side of a black SUV. New York license plate. It was too dark to see inside the vehicle, and she didn’t want to use the light on her phone. If they planned to check all the RVs, theirs would be the closest. That thought sent chills through her. She had to slow them down.

Pulling a small pocketknife out of her untied boots, she crouched down in front of a back tire. Raring her hand back, she rammed the knife between the tire tread. When she pulled it out, she didn’t hear air escaping. Reinserting the blade in the same place, she took off a boot and hammered the heel against the hilt of the knife. After a few hard hits, she heard a faint hiss. Time to go.

“What the hell are you doing to my car?” shouted a man coming out of the bathhouse.

Without looking back, Morgan turned and ran.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Max was giving Sabastian a tutorial on how to load and shoot his .9 mm when his burner phone rang. They both stared at it. Who in the hell?

“You going to answer?” Sebastian asked.

“No one has this number but Grayson Lewis. I purchased three burners at the airport in Charlotte to make sure they weren’t compromised.”

“What about when you checked us in earlier? Did you put it on the registration?”

Max nodded. “I paid the owner $500 extra to stay off the books. I forgot I gave him a number to call if anything looked troublesome. He knew what I meant.”

The cell stopped ringing.

“Maybe you should call him back?” Sebastian suggested.

Max pulled up the last number and pushed enter.

“You just called? …. What do they look like, and what are they driving? … How long ago? … Me either. Thanks for the call. We may be leaving sooner than expected.”

Sebastian’s face fell. “What’s wrong?”

“Grab your stuff and anything Morgan left behind. Be sure to turn off the lights. I’ll tell you once we are out of the vehicle.”

Bash nodded and rushed to the bedroom. Max began to grab anything that would identify them and packed it in the duffle bag that he purchased at Walmart. He picked up the Colt .45 Morgan gave him before she left to take her shower and couldn’t help wondering about the timing. Did she know someone was coming? Was it a coincidence? If it was, it was a fortuitous one. But Max didn’t believe in coincidences. Maybe it was intuition she picked up from her grandfather? I want to believe in her.

“Are you okay, Max?”

The question shook him out of his head. He looked at Sebastian, who was now in his coat with his arms loaded with bags.

“Morgan took her backpack with her. I picked up everything else.”

Max looked on the table for the .9 mm Ruger. It was gone. Max stuffed the Colt .45 in his coat pocket.

“I’ve got the Ruger,” he confirmed.

“Good,” Max said, reaching for the keys on the coffee table. “Let’s go. We need to find Morgan. They are coming for us.”

Sebastian’s eyes went wide. “What the hell?”

Max flipped off the remaining lights. After they stepped outside, he locked the door.

“Now, can you tell me…” The sound of a vehicle approaching halted Sebastian.

Within seconds, the vehicle would reach them. Max grabbed Sabastian by the arm and yanked him behind the RV. They watched a dark-colored SUV whizz past their site toward the restrooms. Max knew from the sitemap the road was a dead end.