Page 58 of Covert Tactics

Binni ended her call and Hannah lowered her voice. “All I remember is that he was never returned to his family. They insisted on keeping the whole thing hushed up. His parents came to see mine, begging them to help, and against the FBI’s orders, they paid the ransom, but he wasn’t returned. They were devastated.”

“That’s horrible,” Amelia said. “You never mentioned this to me.”

“Like I said, I was young, and while I never forgot it, by the time I met you, it was far in the past.”

“That bag.” Binni pointed at Amelia’s purse. Her words were clipped. “You lost it, correct?”

“It’s so nice to meet you.” Amelia dropped her phone into the outside pocket and extended her hand. “I actually had two. I love this design and the colors are perfect for me. While my attacker stole one, I still have a second.”

Without warning, Binni grabbed it from the crutch and began searching it. “You need a new one.” She clutched Amelia’s to her chest and grabbed a box from the desk. “We will exchange. You take this. Brand new. Much better.”

Amelia nearly toppled over when the package was shoved into her stomach, but Rory kept her upright.

Before she could protest, Binni dumped the contents of the purse on the desk, rifling through it and then handing each item back to Amelia one at a time.

Amelia fumbled with the box as Hannah accepted the wallet and travel tissues for her, then three lipsticks. Amelia opened the bag for her to drop them into. “Binni, really, I’d like to keep that one as well. I mean, I appreciate this, but—”

The designer shifted, blocking their view of the desk, even as she continued handing things over. “You take that one. This one is too old. You need new.”

Rory went to the desk. “I’ll take care of all this.”

He scooped up what was left of Amelia’s belongings and dumped them into the new purse as she and Hannah looked at the designer in shock.

“I must go.” Binni nodded at Hannah, snatching up her hat and purse and heading for the door.

“Yes, of course.” Hannah frowned, sending Amelia an apologetic look. “I’ll follow you out.”

“No.” Binni cut her off. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

She shut the door behind her.

“That wasn’t too weird,” Amelia said, staring after her.

“Not like her at all,” Hannah added.

“But she took the bait.” Rory smiled like it was the best day ever.

“The USB?” Amelia’s shock grew. “Are you kidding me?”

He pointed at the new purse. “And your phone.”

“Oh my god!” Hannah glanced between them. “This must be a misunderstanding. Binni’s not a thief.”

“Hey, that guy Chad?” It was Ian on the comms. “I just watched him steal a diamond bracelet off a woman’s wrist. She has no idea. I knew there was something up with that creep.”

“Slick git,” Moe’s curse followed.

Rory opened the door and ushered Amelia and Hannah forward. “Our kidnapping ring is in full swing.”

“Here?” Hannah squeaked.

“We’ll explain later,” Amelia told her.

Masden snapped to attention as they crossed into the hall. “You and I need to talk,” Hannah told him. “After we figure out what Binni is up to. What everyone is up to.”

“We’ve got a situation out front,” Tate said and Amelia’s stomach, already flopping like a fish out of water, went crazy.

“Handle it,” Rory demanded. “We’ve got our own back here.”