Page 54 of Covert Tactics

If Rory hadn’t been in love with her before, he was now.

She scrutinized Chad’s face, hers absent of any fear. “Have we met before? You look familiar.”

He didn’t miss a beat. “Mais,non. I would remember such a lovelyfemme. Perhaps you’ve seen my photo in a magazine.”

“Huh.” She continued to stare at him, narrowing her eyes. “Are you investing in one of Hannah’s kids?”

“He’s selected three,” Hannah interjected, nearly bouncing with excitement. “Kenesha’s one of them. Isn’t that wonderful?”

Chad smiled smugly. “I do what I can for our youth.” He winked at Hannah and took her injured hand gently between both of his. “And for those I consider good friends.”

Hannah blinked, and Rory mentally groaned. This was the guy she was nuts about, not the Secret Service agent.

Chad excused himself and Hannah watched him go. A line of people had formed behind her, many in the crowd wanting to speak with her and take selfies. A couple instantly took Chad’s place, drawing her into a conversation.

“Keep eyes on him,” Rory murmured, dropping into his chair once more. “And run that smug face against Amelia’s photos.”

Amelia dropped her gaze to the table. “I’m sure he’s right. We’ve never met. But there’ssomethingabout him.”

There sure was. “Like he’s a privileged a-hole?” Rory commented.

“He’s only been pictured in a few magazines in recent years,” Tate told them. “Mostly regarding his philanthropy and his bachelor status.”

Before any of them could comment further, Hannah introduced the couple who’d demanded her attention. They smiled and nodded politely, but the man brought up the president’s latest speech on state taxation and began trying to pressure Hannah to sway him to the other side.

“Harold, you know my policy is no politics.” She smiled graciously and drew them away as she pointed them to one of the booths. “Tonight isn’t about that, and I have no pull with the president, I assure you.”

Amelia lifted her crutch from beneath her seat, angling it free from the legs. She spoke to Beatrice and Parker. “Powder room for me. Anyone else?”

Rory shot to his feet, but Beatrice motioned for him to sit. “We’ve got this.”

“I’m her bodyguard. Where she goes, I go.”

She laid a hand on his shoulder. “Parker and I can handle it.”

Amelia nodded. “We’ll be right back. I promise.”

His shoulder blades twitched. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cal and Moe exchange a look.

Fuck. He was overreacting.


Beatrice, Vivi, and Amelia were three grown women, two of whom were highly trained and could probably whip his ass on any given day. They were surrounded by SFI employees and security.

But then Beatrice said, “Bring the bag,” and Rory’s stomach plunged.

“Why?” he demanded, sure he already knew the answer. She wanted to taunt Amelia’s attacker if he was here.

And if Masdenwasn’ttheir man, who was?

Had that stupid show at the door earlier been just that—a show Masden had put on to cover his ass?

Or were they still blind to who else was hunting for those pictures?

“Because.” Beatrice said, snapping Rory out of his circling thoughts. “Women take their purses to the restroom. We’re going for normal. Remember?”

Moe snorted, and this time, Rory reached over and boxed his ears.