Page 51 of Covert Tactics

“Got you on my radar,” a familiar voice said in Rory’s ear. Trace was on a nearby rooftop with a sniper rifle and scope. “All clear. No suspicious activity to report.”

“Roger that,” Cal replied under his breath.

Rory had a fold-up cane inside his jacket, which was cumbersome, but he didn’t want to get caught without it. Plus, a prop like that could come in handy if tonight went sideways. The cane had some of that amazing technology embedded in it, and when extended and locked, became a useful weapon. Bonus—he’d glued Batman to the top. A true nerd move, but he didn’t give a damn.

He kept a hand on Amelia’s lower back to steady her as they moved toward the waiting staff member who would check them in. The decked out crutch had been painted gold and sported enough pink rhinestones to gag a horse.

While Amelia had argued to leave it behind, they had all insisted she display it and use it to her advantage. The purse as well. If her attacker was here, she needed to appear vulnerable, and like Rory’s cane, the crutch might come in handy to fend him off.

Her bag contained a taser as well, along with a normal collection of things women tended to carry.

He also kept a hand on her because he needed to.Wantedto. She had quickly become the most important thing in his life and he never wanted to be far from her. His goal was to touch her every chance he got.

They heard the thump of music; an upbeat dance tune being played by a DJ who was part of Hannah’s Leading Edge program. The wide glass door was opened by the attendant, who smiled and greeted them, marking a list on her computer tablet when Rory showed her their digital tickets.

“Ms. Clemson will be delighted you made it,” the attendant said. “Turn left at the Three Muses statue and you’ll see the reception area. Champagne and canapés are being served—I highly recommend the smoked salmon pastries—and the event officially kicks off in ten minutes. Enjoy!”

“I’ll escort you.” Secret Security Agent Masden appeared, looking them over. “Ms. Clemson has asked me to.”

Rory went on alert. At the same time, he felt Amelia stiffen. “That’s not necessary,” she told him with a lift of her chin.

He glanced at the blinged-out crutch and her foot, which peeked from the hem of her dress. “I’m also instructed to apologize for my rude behavior.” The words seemed pulled from him with pliers but he kept his face expression-free. “I’m…enthusiastic,as she terms it, about keeping her safe. I…she’s…”

The detached look melted into something akin to stifled embarrassment. The tenseness left Amelia’s body. “I suppose that’s a good thing,” she said. “You care for her, don’t you?”

He glanced down. “That obvious?”

She grinned. “Does she know?”

Rory glanced at Cal and Beatrice. Cal shrugged, perplexed. Beatrice smiled.

“No, and please don’t tell her,” Masden said, face now awash in concern. “If she finds out, I’ll be transferred.” He removed a towel from his pocket. “One clean dishtowel returned.”

Amelia laughed and accepted it, tucking it into her bag. “You’re forgiven and your secret is safe with us.”

The man gave a half bow and disappeared.

“What just happened?” Rory asked.

“He’s in love with her.” Amelia’s smile was full of whimsy and longing. “Isn’t it romantic?”

He and Cal again shared a look ofwhat the fuckand Rory shook it off. “She doesn’t share his feelings, though.” He almost felt sorry for the guy. He had to admit, he understood his gruff manner a bit better now. He was the same around Amelia. “I don’t think that’s romantic.”

“But I think she does,” Amelia argued. As they crossed the threshold, the music grew louder. “She told me she’d fallen for someone but couldn’t talk about him. Her father would freak out. I thought it was a man on the other side of the political fence, but maybe it’s Masden.”

Beatrice slipped an arm through Cal’s. “That is romantic. Wait until I tell Vivi. She loves stories like this.”

Rory let it go as the two couples made their way to the designated meeting point far from the cameras and reporters vying for an interview with D.C.’s up-and-coming, as well as the already rich and famous. The itch between his shoulders came to life.


“You look like someone killed your dog,” Amelia said. “Stop grinding your teeth.”

He forced a chuckle, covertly taking in the security cameras tucked in the ceiling corners and scanning the dozens of faces filing past. He took her free arm and tucked it inside his. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

“About five times.” She winked with an evil grin. “But unlike you with Tate, I love that you’re making sure I’ve heard you.”

His chuckle turned real. “I probably deserved that.”