Page 44 of Covert Tactics

“What kind? Light, heavy? Fast, slow?”

“Heavy, methodical. He picked up my bag and took off.”

Rory’s adrenaline spiked. “Did you see his feet? His hands? Anything before he ran?”

Her eyes narrowed at the corners. “That’s the thing, hedidn’trun. He walked. Bold, confident.”

Fuck. The mere thought of it made Rory want to punch someone. When he caught this asshole… “You’re sure it was a man? What makes you believe so?”

Her eyes opened. “I just know it. He had a confident gait. I’ve been around all of you so much that I automatically registered it.”


“Yeah, you know, men like you and the others here. You have a distinct confidence about you. Like I said, he was bold. As if he did this sort of thing daily.” When it truly dawned on her what she’d said, her eyes widened. “Is he military?”

Rory gritted his teeth, the profile of the man becoming clearer. The faces of Hannah’s agents flashed across his mind. “You don’t remember hearing his footsteps before he hit you?”

She shook her head. “No, but I was distracted.”

Or he was as stealthy as Rory initially suspected. Someone with training under their belt and cocky enough to believe he wouldn’t get caught.

I’ve been that guy.

And now someone like him had gone after Amelia. It didn’t exactly narrow down their field of suspects, but she was remembering, and that was good. Her attacker had to have been close to follow her the moment she left the car. “Did you pass anyone before you entered the alley? Notice anyone watching you? Did anyone stand out? Make you feel uncomfortable?”

Her eyes lit. “I passed a bunch of people. There were lots of gawkers at the scene of the accident when I passed by. I remember!”

“You didn’t recognize any of them?”

“I wasn’t paying attention. I was in a hurry and texting you.”

He released her hands with a squeeze and patted her knee. “You’re making great progress.”

“Is it enough, though?”

“I’ll check the street cameras and pull stills for you to look over.”

“Now? Tonight?”

Strain warred on her face against pleasing him. He brushed a finger over her jawline, down her neck, aching to trail kisses there.

She sighed and some of the turmoil left her features. Her head shifted to rest her cheek in his palm. Desire flickered in her eyes.

And hell on a stick, his entire body went into overdrive. Clearing his throat, he faced his center screen again and brought up the first photo. “Let’s start at the beginning. Look at the other people in the crowd, the decorations, the food, all of it. Put yourself there and see it from your Dad’s eyes. Why was he there? Who was he talking to? Why them?”

“Wait just a minute.” She grabbed the arm of his chair and forced him to face her again. “We had a deal.”

He couldn’t keep the eager grin off his face. “Guess I have to pay up now, don’t I? After we do this, okay?”

She jumped into his lap and he laughed as his chair rocked backwards, but all thoughts of falling over or keeping her focused on their mission fled when her mouth touched his. As if desperate, she sunk her hands into his hair, pulling him closer, her lips on fire.

She moaned as she pressed herself against him and he let her take the lead, a novelty for him but he was in such shock that she was so invested in this, that she wanted him this much, that all he could do was run his hands up her back and revel in the feel of her.

On and on she kissed him and he touched her—her back, her hips, her shoulders. Although the chair was awkward for a make-out session, she seemed to fit in his lap, her lips parting and allowing his tongue to roam inside.

They tasted what they could reach of each other, him nuzzling her neck, her earlobe, breathing in the scent of her into his lungs as he traced his fingers over her rib cage. His hands cupped her breasts and his blood sang at her sweet sigh of satisfaction.

His phone rang and he ignored it. This wasn’t exactly private, and between her boot and the things he wanted to do to her, he needed more space.