Page 38 of Covert Tactics

Family. It was a sucker punch straight to his gut. He worked at making his voice sound normal. “At one time, sure. Thought I could have it all, you know? Now?” He shrugged, the hollow ache in his chest dredging up old memories he wished would stay buried. How many times after he was paralyzed did he lose it, yearning for someone to love him, be by his side through that awful time? How many times did he nearly toss his guts at the realization he never would. No wife to love him. No kids to teach basketball or help with their math homework? “Better that I didn’t have a wife and kids. I only would have fucked them up.”

Her brow furrowed. “You don’t seriously believe that.”

There was no point arguing. “You want kids, I take it?”

She blew a raspberry. “My sister has two and I love being an aunt, but I don’t know. Like you, I’m devoted to my work. Beatrice is quite an inspiration. If she can do it, maybe I can, too.”

Her smile was uncertain and for a split second, he wondered what their child might look like if they had one. “Sloane’s going to need friends to play with at the compound.”

The smile became sly, impish. “That she is.”

They arrived and found the First Daughter and her minions waiting.

Upstairs in the apartment, Amelia apologized profusely for the mess, and Rory found himself helping her collect scattered clothes, move stacks of magazines, and create a space for Hannah to sit.

“Please don’t go to any trouble,” she said, ignoring the now empty couch and heading for the kitchen. “Really, I know this is inconvenient.”

Amelia motioned her to a chair, glancing around as if seeing her place with fresh eyes. “How about tea? I’m dying for some Earl Gray.”

“That would be lovely.”

Rory made himself useful, fetching cups for them while Amelia filled a kettle with water. He did his best to act casual, pretending to ignore the security agents nosing around. Once they’d cleared the apartment, the lead agent, Masden, gave Hannah a terse nod of assurance, and they removed themselves to the outside.

“You sure you don’t want any?” Amelia asked him.

He shook his head. “I’m a coffee guy.”

“I have that, too.”

He caught her hand before she could start the coffee maker. “I’m good. Take care of your friend.”

Amelia dropped a kiss on his cheek, then sat at the table. “Let me see that wrist,” she said, reaching for Hannah’s hand.

The woman appeared embarrassed when she explained what had happened. “I was in a hurry, dropped my keys, and well…I ended up rounding a corner too quickly with my arms full of handouts for Thursday night and fell down the steps.”

“Did you hurt anything else?”

She grimaced as Amelia unwrapped the ACE bandage to reveal a swollen and bruised area on the outside of the wrist bone. “My pride. They were giving a tour to some school kids and I provided quite a show.” The grimace grew as she showed Amelia how she could move her hand in a circle. “I can do this, so I don’t believe it’s broken, but turning a door handle, or picking up a cup”—she motioned at the two on the counter holding teabags—is impossible.”

Amelia gently prodded the swollen skin with her fingers, then gently ran her thumb up the forearm. “Appears to be a strain, but you’ve fired up your tendinitis. It needs rest, ice, and some anti-inflammatories.”

The kettle whistled, and Rory made work of pouring the water. He set the cups in front of them, and Amelia motioned to the fridge. “There’s not much in there, but you might find a soda.”

Under the guise of searching for a beverage, he listened to them discuss the upcoming fundraiser while Amelia retrieved an ice bag, over-the-counter medicine, and a brace she had on hand.

“How is your mom?” she asked.

“Much better, but so disappointed she’s going to miss the event. I’m having Kenesha livestream parts of it just so she doesn’t feel totally left out.”

While the two women continued to discuss the fundraiser, he found an orange drink, and having had his fill already of the upcoming event, wandered into the living room to scan Amelia’s shelves of assorted books and movies.

Her eclectic tastes made him smile, and he made note of the fact she had a serious interest in reggae. He’d never been good at gift-giving, and rarely had anyone to give to, but now there would be birthdays, Christmases, Valentine’s Days. That thought made him a bit squeamish. Was he really thinking that far down the road?

He sure as fuck was.

He glanced through the kitchen doorway, listening to the friends talk and laugh. Deciding to explore the rest of the space, he sipped his drink. Not to be nosy, but to get to know this other side of Amelia better. Her sexy laughter eased something between his shoulders, while it also fired up certain parts below his belt. He caught the scent of lilacs and vanilla, and followed where his nose led.

It had grown dark outside, and no light penetrated her bedroom. He’d been in such a hurry to throw the random piles of clothes and magazines in here, he hadn’t taken time to study it. Step by slow, steady step, he paused on the threshold. He didn’t intend to snoop, but simply wanted to soak it in.