Page 36 of Covert Tactics

A ringing came from somewhere far off, a vibration in her right hip. She ignored it.

It came again, and he said against her lips, “Do you need to get that?”

She peered at him through half-lidded eyes. “What?”

“Is that your phone?”

The ring was insistent, accompanied by the buzzing. If it was her mom… She pulled it out and saw it wasn’t. “Hannah?” she answered. “Impeccable timing.”Not. “Rory and I were just talking about the fundraiser. We’re excited to attend.”

Rolling his eyes, he hit the accelerator and they cruised toward the building.

“I’m so glad,” the First Daughter said cheerfully. “I was hoping we could chat in person. Can you meet me at your place, say, in half an hour?”

“Is this about joining the board? I really hate to disappoint you, but I don’t feel I have the time for it.”

“It’s not that. I’ve had a setback with my wrist. My feet went out from under me this morning and I fell. I don’t have time to run to the ER and have it checked. You know they’ll want to X-ray it and it will takehours.”

“You’re sure it’s not broken?”

“Pretty sure. It’s flared up my tendonitis, though. Please. If you’ll just have a look it for me? Work your magic on it. I know it’s a lot to ask, but with the fundraiser in two days, I can’t waste time at the hospital. Plus, the press will divert all the media coverage to me and my lack of grace, rather than the kids. I don’t want that to happen.”

“I understand. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

“You’re a lifesaver. Oh, and don’t think I’m going to take no for an answer about that board position.”

Amelia laughed. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

“What’s up?” Rory asked, parking the cart and helping her to the door.

“Hannah hurt her wrist a few weeks ago and she fell this morning and aggravated it. She wants me to check it out, make sure it’s nothing serious. It won’t take long. I can call Jose and have him drive me home.”

“Like hell you will.” He was once again gruff Rory. “Connor’s setting up the reception area. He can take us.”

“He has better things to do, and so do you.”

A pointless argument. Rory barked an order at Connor the minute they were inside and before she knew it, she was seated in Beatrice’s favorite SUV heading for her home.


Rory texted Parker on the way to Amelia’s.What’s the latest on Hannah?

Her response came back thirty seconds later.Clean. No reason to have anyone attack our favorite physical therapist.

That was good news, but he still felt uneasy about this meeting. The one good thing about it was that he could size her up in person. The short few minutes he had at the hospital with her and Jose had told him little, except that she seemed genuinely concerned about Amelia’s health and happiness.

Another message came from B.The pipe yielded no fingerprints. Wiped clean.

Could be our weapon???

Odds are yes.

Didn’t help if they had no prints, though.

“Everything all right?” Amelia asked. “You’re not having second thoughts about going to my place, right?”

“It’s all good.” He gave her knee a squeeze. He could control this visit, which was far better than attending that fundraiser. And she was right—he needed to let her spread her wings. The image of Vivi wanting to protect Ian with bubble wrap came to mind, and while he’d love to do the same with Amelia, it wasn’t practical.

Being in a relationship with her meant he would have to allow her to do things the way she wanted, not the way he did.