Page 24 of Covert Tactics

His hand slide to the side of her head and she allowed herself to relax into it. “I’m not going anywhere, and if your doctors—including Sloan and Montgomery—give you the all-clear for the party, I’ll go with you.”

That light feeling filled her chest like a balloon inflating. “You will?”

“I will.”

It was asking too much. “You don’t need to. I understand.”

His other palm came up, enclosing her head so gently it stole her breath. His thumbs brushed against her hair, massaged tiny circles around her temples. “It’s time for me to get back out in the world, and I hope you know by now that I would do anything for you.”

This was her opportunity. Time to make sure he understood her intentions as clearly as she could make them. She grinned. “Anything?”

The corners of his eyes narrowed, suspicious. Then he loosed a breath and nodded. “Whatever you want.”

She slid her arms around his neck, one hand sliding to the back of his head and drawing his lips down. “Kiss me,” she said.

For half a second he froze again, and then he did.


It all happened so fast. Her lips were soft and warm, the kiss tender. He wanted more, so much more, but right then, he only wanted to savor every precious moment of his mouth on hers.

She made the tiniest noise in the back of her throat and it sent heat straight to his groin. He drew her closer, feeling her lips part and allowing him total access.

The world melted away and he could smell the faint scent of lemon. He breathed in deeply, relishing the fact he could detect her natural sent under it.

Her fingers raked through his hair. He hadn’t put it back tonight, leaving it down. She wound a piece in her fingers and pressed her breasts against his chest.

Her tongue teased his and the moment grew hotter. Her lips became more ardent, her hips brushing against him. He rested his hands on them, tucking her even closer and praying this moment of heaven might last forever.

She was shorter than him and she snugged into his embrace as if she were made for it. Another of those whimpers issued from her as their hips connected, his cock growing hard as steel at the sound, and leaving no doubt as to what he wanted.


She rose on tiptoes, tightening her grip and letting him know she wanted him, too.

He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him, but the injured one kept sliding down his butt and leg. His knee howled with fresh pain, his already stressed legs threatening to buckle. Pivoting, he broke the kiss and swept a hand across her desktop before planting her there.

The books nestled between two bookends, along with a stack of files, crashed to the floor. She didn’t seem to care, baring her neck to his mouth and digging her nails into his shoulders.

He trailed kisses over her jawline, nibbled her earlobe, and skimmed her neck. The desk wasn’t high enough for an adequate fit between them, but hell if he cared.

And then his fingers brushed across the slim bandage at the base of her skull and he reared back.What the hell am I doing?

“Rory?” Her lids were at half mast, her lips swollen from his kisses. “What’s wrong?”

Only everything. She’d been through a trauma, was still recovering, and here he was taking advantage of her vulnerability. “Nothing. You’re beautiful and I want nothing more than to continue this, but…”

Her finger stroked his brow and she licked her lips. “What?”

A groan started deep in his gut and he had to force it away. “We should take things slow.”

“Slow?” The lust in her eyes cleared somewhat. “Is that what you want?”

Hell no. He calmed his erratic breathing, feeling like he’d ran ten miles. What he wanted was to take her right there, and then again in his room. And again and again and again. She deserved better than that. Better than him. “That’s whatyoushould want. After what you’ve been through, you may simply be acting out because of the shock and distress of being attacked. It happens. Used to see it all the time in the field. Operatives often get a scare and the first thing they want to do is…well,feelalive. Some drink, some jump into risky behavior, and a few find a willing partner and knock boots.”

It took a second for her to digest his words. Her face went three shades of red. “You think I want to sleep with you because I was mugged?”

He shrugged, hoping against hope that wasn’t the reason. Still… “It happens.”