Page 53 of Covert Affairs

Still, she worried.

Her phone buzzed. A text from Rory.Is he home?

She was under Ian’s orders not to engage with anyone, but her fingers itched to reply. Beatrice and Rory knew they had defied orders and snuck off the premises to do just this. She owed her friends an apology, but she had to do this on her own.

She clicked off the message without responding.Please forgive me.

Rory, of course, was undaunted.If you don’t tell me what the hell is going on, I’m sending out a full team to hunt you down.

Oh boy, she certainly didn’t want that. She considered different replies, settled on:No need. Everything is under control.

She prayed it was.

No one came or went on this rural road, and she was grateful for that. While she waited for Ian, and wondered if Rory would try again, she surveyed the area. A horse barn with an outside light shone in the distance through the storm. At least the rain was moving off.

She tapped her fingers against the phone. Where was Ian?

Seconds ticked by. Again, she considered touching the earbud and saying something to him. Asking if he was all right. Her knee bobbed. She almost engaged Rory just for a distraction.

And then her door swung open and she gasped, a shadowed face looming over her.

Instinctively, she swung her weapon and a swift hand caught the barrel before it made contact. “I see your reflexes are still good,” Ian drawled.

Adrenaline coursed through her and she huffed a curse. “You scared the daylights out of me. A little warning might have been nice.”

“Sorry.” He took her by the arm and drew her into the lingering drizzle. “The exterior looks clear, outside of a normal security set up. Easy to bypass. But there could be bugs and hidden cameras inside.

“There aren’t,” came a gruff male voice through their comms.

“What the fuck, Rory,” Ian said, glancing skyward as if the man were God. “How did you find us?”

“You clearly underestimate me.” They heard clicking on his keyboard and Vivi felt a sinking sensation in her already uptight stomach. It was her fault, she knew it. He’d tracked them via her reply text. Damn it. Rory was gruff. “He’s in the study on the main floor watchingThe Bachelor.”

“What?” She’d never expected that. Pouring overPsychology Todayor writing notes on patients, sure, but a reality TV show? “You’re kidding.”

“Are you wired?” Rory asked.

“I am.” She slid up the hood of her jacket. “Listen, I appreciate what you’re trying to do for us, but—”

“Shut up and get in there. Get this over with. I have an engagement tonight.”

Her hackles rose, but then she considered his statement. “Something involving a certain physical therapist?”

“What?” He snorted. “PT isn’t until tomorrow.”

Oh. She screwed up her mouth and sighed.

“We’re going in,” Ian said. Now who was gruff? He’d probably figured out Vivi had somehow led Rory right to them. “Comms silent.”

“What’s your plan?” Rory asked.

Ian growled, “None of your damn business. We’re handling this.”

Rory didn’t seem the type to let it go, but he did. “Roger that, Idol.”

The comm went dead. “Let’s go,” Ian murmured to her and they took off, not down the wet street but through the field and into the back yard of the mansion.

He moved like a shadow and Vivi wondered if she should have her eyes checked when this was over. Even with him close enough to touch, she had trouble seeing him, he blended in so well with the surroundings.