“So fucking good. The best. I can’t believe how good your cock feels inside me.”
I draw my hips back, pleasure rippling all over me.
“Please, Hunter,” she pants, more desperately this time. “Please. I want to come.”
“Since you’ve been such a good girl and asked nicely …”
I let myself thrust forward with the force I’ve been keeping at bay for what feels like hours.
Her body tightens as she buries her face into her sheets and cries my name. My vision goes blurry as the ball of pressure at the base of my spine expands, and then erupts.
I pant, thrusting over and over as I unravel, falling off the edge as her pussy clenches my length and ripples around my shaft.
“Fuck,” I growl, gritting my teeth as the most intense orgasm of my life rushes through me.
I erupt into the condom, utterly spent.
I collapse onto her back. Our skin is slick with sweat, and the way her soft curves slide underneath my jagged muscles as our bodies heave with heavy breathing is absolutely bliss.
When I feel like I have enough strength to walk, I get up and tie off the condom, dropping it into her trash can. My knees still feel wobbly as I walk back to the bed. I’ve never felt this drained in my life.
I’ve never felt this satisfied, either.
I drop exhausted onto the bed next to Phoebe. My heart flutters when she flashes me a satisfied smile.
I grin. “Think Casey had to put her headphones on?”
Her cheeks flash with blushing, but she can’t hide the smile on her lips. She grabs a pillow and throws it at me. I chuck it back and then dive onto her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She squeals as I roll us over so I’m on my back and she’s resting against my chest.
Before I know it, I’m drifting to sleep in her arms.
Istep outside and take a deep breath through my nose. It’s a beautiful day. The air is fresh, the sky is smooth and blue, and the sun is bright but gentle.
We’re well into November, and after a series of days cold enough that I had to wear my winter jacket, today’s unseasonably warm.
We’re forecasted to go right back into the chill of early winter tomorrow and for the foreseeable future after that, so Ridley is teeming with vibrancy and life as I walk to class, so many people finding any excuse they can to be outside and enjoy the last day of nice weather until the spring.
I have on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jean jacket. It’s perfect for this weather, and I feel myself smiling as I walk to campus, feeling the energy in the air and a soft, gentle breeze across my face.
Over the last week, I’ve kept up my TikTok posting. It’s been a surprisingly cathartic outlet. I just talk about how I’m feeling that day, and then go out and skate, doing whatever lower-impact skating moves I feel comfortable with that day.
Shockingly, the videos are resonating with some people.
Not a large number of people, mind you, but I don’t need that. I have a couple hundred followers, and about a dozen users who regularly comment on my videos.
One user mentioned that she was a figure skater in her youth, but now she’s older and not as able to do the things she used to, and she misses it. She says my videos are helping her cope with that, and even that she looks forward to seeing new posts from me.
That made me feel good. I’m glad to know that something that helps me feel better, actually helps other people feel better, too.
I’ve also started thinking more and more about what I want to do with my future. Last night, something I haven’t thought about in a while popped back into my mind—the idea of ice skating as therapy.
I remember seeing a poster for dance therapy at the library, and intending to looking into whether ice skating therapy is a thing, but then my life got completely crazy and the idea got pushed further back in my mind.
Last night, I finally really looked into it—and it is a thing.