I’m definitely not sure how to coexist with Hunter in a context that leads to his head between my legs like I just imagined.
Can I say this is the first time I’ve fantasized about Hunter like that? I wish I could. But we’ve spent a lot of time around each other. Very hormonal times.
The fact is, I’ve fantasized about Hunter like that too many times to count.
Maybe if I let myself relax and indulge in it one more time, I’d be able to make myself come tonight and at least work out some of this tension that has me feeling so restless and cooped up.
Give myself a little boost of endorphins to let me relax, then I can actually have the relaxing, low-key night in watching a movie like I intended to.
But … almost every Friday night so far this semester has been a low-key night in; the one exception being the night I went to that Ice Box party that made my anxiety spiral.
Ever since then, I’ve been thinking of that night as a defeat—but maybe I shouldn’t.
I lasted longer at that party than I did at the party I went to over the summer back home. I felt more comfortable for longer. I was even able to hold a conversation with a guy for a while.
Even though it didn’t end perfectly, now that I think about it, that’s a success.
Success doesn’t have to be immediately getting to where you want to be on your first try. Success can be incremental. And for the second party I went to after my accident, it was a big incremental improvement over the first.
Maybe the third try will be an even bigger improvement?
Maybe after just a couple more tries leaving my comfort zone … I can change what my comfort zoneis?
Maybe it’ll even help to go out alone, without Casey being there as a sort of security blanket. Maybe it’ll be harder at first, but if I can push past that, stay, maybe have a drink or two, maybe strike up a conversation with someone … even if I end up feeling overwhelmed and head home after an hour, that’ll be a win.
Another plus is that being out of the house will keep me from succumbing to the temptation of imagining Hunter Landry between my thighs, his mouth hovering over my wet pussy.
Yep. That does it. That’s all the motivation I need to get up from the couch, head to my room, and rustle through my closet to put a decent outfit together.
About thirty minutes later, I’m standing in front of a house party that rivals the scene at the Ice Box a month ago.
All week on campus, people were talking about this party that the basketball team’s throwing at the house where their top players live. And apparently, there’s some rivalry between the Ridley basketball and hockey teams.
So, I can count a near-zero likelihood of running into Hunter as another argument in favor of my decision to step inside.
Anxiety curls through me when I step through the door, into the crowded, hot, chaotic atmosphere of the house.
I don’t let myself become overwhelmed by it, though.
Taking that one shot of tequila last month at the Ice Box did help calm my nerves. Maybe another shot—maybe even two—is what I need right now to feel at ease.
It’s worth a try.
“The basketball house?” I groan to Shane. “Anywhere but there.”
Shane shrugs. “It’s the only place throwing a party tonight.”
“Let’s just go home and get drunk on the couch, then.”
Shane laughs. “What the hell is it with you guys and the basketball team?”
“Us guys?” I ask. “You’re one of us! You should hate the basketball team, too!”
“Why?” Shane exclaims, still laughing. “The basketball guys I’ve talked to seem cool. I don’t get why everyone on campus,usincluded, seem to think there needs to be some big rivalry between the teams.”