Page 57 of Overtime Score

He flashes a crooked grin, nervously chuckling through it. “Well, you see, Hunter …”

Tension crawls up my neck. “What about Hunter? What does Hunter have to do with me asking you out?”

He grimaces, rubbing the back of his neck. “Man, I really have no poker face around a pretty girl,” he mutters, seemingly more to himself than to me. “Hunter said I can’t touch you.”

Outrage detonates in my chest.

Hunter thinks he can determine who I do or don’t go out with? Who I do or don’t do anything with?

Hunter Landry with his stupid macho man-brain thinks he can make meoff-limits?

“Uh, don’t tell him I told you that, okay?” Shane asks through a sheepish grin.

My eyes narrow as I stab him with an annoyed look.

“I really would’ve said yes otherwise,” he shrugs.

I brush past him, muttering curses about Hunter while I get ready for my class. Once it’s over, I don’t go home—I go straight to the Ice Box.

I ring the doorbell, and the massive, tatted-up guy I know as Lars opens the door.

“Yeah?” he asks, his manners frosty.

“Is Hunter here?” I demand flatly.

He tilts his chin back slightly, looking down at me with a distrustful eye. “Why?”

“Because I’m going to punch him in his stupid, arrogant face.”

Lars continues to look at me for a beat. Then, he steps aside from the doorway, stretches out his arm towards the staircase, and says, “Second door on the right.”

I huff past him, hands clenched as I march up the stairs. I might not be big enough to make much noise with my heavy steps, but I give it my best shot, slamming my foot down on each stair as I ascend.

I flare my nostrils standing in front of Hunter’s door, take a deep breath, and then pound the flat of my fist against the wood.

Even more rage tips into me as I hear stupidly heavy footsteps bang against the floor from Hunter’s stupidly big feet, and then see the doorknob turn and the door swing back.

Before Hunter can even get a sound out of his mouth, my right index finger presses sharpy into his chest, and I’m pushing him back into his room, through the doorway. I kick the door closed behind me, because I don’t need his nosy roommates listening in on our conversation.

“Who the hell do you think you are, Hunter G. Landry?”

His brow jumps. “Middle initial? Damn. I must’ve screwed up.”

The easy, cocky grin on his lips makes the outrage hot and sharp in my chest, and I let out a low growl deep in my throat.

“How dare you take it upon yourself to decide who I can and can’t date?”

Hunter shrugs, the smirk on his face not a centimeter lower, not an iota less cocky and taunting. “I take it you talked to Shane?”

“I can go out—or do whatever else I want—with whoever I want!”

“I never said you couldn’t go out with Shane. I just said he couldn’t go out with you.”

“It’s the same thing!”

“Very different, Pheebs.”

I glower at him, but the glower weakens as he sticks out the tip of his wet, pink tongue and drags it across his pert mouth.