Page 3 of Suck

This part makes me feel kind of guilty. She’s worried. Uncertainty flooding her flushed cheeks. Which I am genuinely sorry for. Kind of. Well not really. But I will make it up to her. I swear to god I will.

Ryker slips in from the back and beelines straight for Father John. The old man’s brown eyes grow wide from the update he receives in his ear. A furious nod and hard pat on Ryker’s back before the minister strides to the bride. Deep wrinkles full of sympathy and remorse line the old man’s face. Earnest words hidden by the buzz around us. That cause her mother to burst into tears and press her pink handkerchief to her mouth. Her father to curse and lift his eyes to the angels painted on the rotunda. My girl to look around at all the faces staring in ardent curiosity back at her.

Maybe in seminary school they teach what do to in these sensitive situations as the pastor seems unruffled. Taking charge and taking over. He gives her a confident smile as his hand glides to his side and under his cloak, adjusting the small black box at his waist. An amplified breath wafts through the stunned silence as his microphone comes to life.

“Good evening family and friends. We appreciate everyone gathering here tonight in support of these two young people. We ask that you continue to support Antonio and Macy as we deviate from our plans and postpone the ceremony.”

His palm abruptly raises to cease the murmurs and mumbles. Thin strands of white hair fluttering from him nodding profusely. Conveying that he understands the surprise. “Everything of course will be figured out in due course, but in the meantime we invite all of you to go ahead and make your way to the reception area at this time.”

Mims inhales just as sharply and turns to me. I shrug. Safer than saying a word and to keep from laughing. She huddles with her sister, speculating in low tones, while Antonio’s parents rush to the cleric for further explanation. Clarification. Rationalization. Anything to understand why their stupid son bolted.

Music fills the air again, less joyous this time, and the pastor waves to the groomsmen, directing them to reverse the process. Traipse back down the aisle accompanied by the shocked bridesmaids, attempting to lead the astonished congregation out of the church. Shock finally subsides and the guests hesitantly depart, gradually rising and following the couples out to the vestibule. Knowing the right thing to do in the situation but slow to act. Unable to move quickly while gossiping and hypothesizing and conjecturing.

While I, on the other hand, take my role as Mims date very seriously and remain glued to her side. While watching my magnificent bride nod earnestly as the reverend continues to counsel and console her. Although from the expression on her lovely face, I doubt she needs either. No shame or fear or doubt. Just wonderful relief. Confirming that not only did I do a selfish thing, my interference is the right thing. A rarity that others benefit from my greediness. But I’m happy for my girl to be the recipient of this generosity. I’ll be even happier when she shows me later how grateful she is for my altruism.