One growl and if I was wearing panties they’d be soaked again. I don’t know what is wrong with me. But I can’t lie and say I don’t like it. Or him. “If I’m spending the week with you, I need to get my things. I can’t wear your clothes all the time.”
“There’s no ‘if’ angel. You are spending the week with me, and I like you in my clothes.” He shakes his head with a smirk curling his ample lips. “Scratch that. I like you naked.”
“Well, while I appreciate the compliment, I still need to be covered when we leave the house.”
Hell, am I flirting? I think I am. Look at me.
“No worries. Then we won’t leave the house.”
Look at him. I don’t think he’s flirting at all. He’s deadly serious so I concentrate on eating my perfectly crisp bacon and preventing myself from setting any more traps for him to ensnare me.
“I’m not good at this stuff, so forgive me if I fuck it up. But how are you feeling? Yesterday you were talking about saving your break down for today but you seem okay.” He licks his lips and I stupidly mimic him with my tongue darting out too. Oddly hungry for him rather than this delicious meal he made for us. “More than okay actually.”
This is where I should feel guilty, and moronically, I only feel guilty for not feeling anything but giddiness. “I thought getting stood up at the altar would be the defining moment in my life. You know like other people when they graduate or have a child. Everything marked in time either before or after that moment.”
“You sound like that’s not true anymore.”
I laugh a goofy laugh. More full of merriment than the shame I should experience. “No I think having sex with a stranger on my wedding night overrides my humiliation and creates the turning point for my future.”
My giggle must be contagious. His chuckle warms me more than the golden rays flooding the deck and I’m flying higher than any man has ever made me feel.
“Yeah a future with me.”
“Don’t push it Diavolo, I only agreed to a week...”
Oh my god, I’m flirting again. I didn’t think I knew how but I must be impacting him from his hand leisurely but possessively running up my thigh. I watch his thick fingers inch closer and closer to the place he’ll discover how I feel about him with the moisture pooling between my legs.
“And I only agreed to take you someplace where you needed clothes, but I’m more than happy to keep you here and naked.”
Yep, he wins. He’s way better at this than me. My elation dampens a bit from the reminder of the women he’s honed his skills on, while the only guy I’ve talked to, because I wanted to, is him.
“Not so mousy now, are you?”
Pride sounds in his voice rather than disdain, and I shake my head, wanting to keep pleasing him. Fearful of ruining the moment from not being as clever as he is.
“Why did they call you that?”
I like that he uses past tense for the description. That he doesn’t see me as meek or timid or inadequate. That he doesn’t see what everyone else sees. “I always made sure I didn’t cause any trouble because my mom already had her hands full.”
“With your dad.”
He knows. No sense trying to hide my discomfort. “Yes. I mean he worked as an accountant for the maf...I mean you...” He doesn’t seem offended by my faux pas, so I keep going. “Anyway, that seemed dangerous enough and then with his gambling addiction and alcoholism, she didn’t need me making things worse.”
I take his silence as encouragement to proceed. “So I got good grades, never stayed out late or skipped school, earned money teaching classes at the Y, and made sure I got accepted to the best university for my degree. I was ready to graduate, move away, and start a different kind of life.”
“Sounds like a good plan.”
A hint of remorse flints in his tone. From his perspective, I guess he sees more possibilities for me than compared to his own life, dictated by family obligations he couldn’t control or deviate from, while I felt just as trapped but at least had options. For a while anyway.
“Until that idiot.”
“Yes, until Antonio.”
Something flashes in Reece’s face when I say the name. I don’t know what it is but I shiver just the same from the intensity.
“Tell me about this different kind of life. What did it entail?”