Way too long ago. It was after midnight. Eight-hour advance. Which meant they could be in Mexico by now or in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Sadly, if they put her on a plane, they could be just about anywhere.
Why hadn’t this family called sooner?
“My husband kept saying he could find her. He knew that car. He would find her and he would kill the son of a bitch. He’s not called to say he’s found her. I called you because I am so afraid.”
“We’re going to take this information back to the office and put it in the national database. Then I’m going to run the plates and try to find that car and who owns it,” Jordan said his voice filled with reassurance.
The plates or the car was stolen. She was almost positive. That’s how these creeps worked.
They all stood.
“Try to get some rest. We’ll get the feds looking for her,” Camila assured her.
The chances of finding little Marta were slim, if not impossible. Once she was out of the country, she would be sold and probably never seen again.
“How long before you find her?”
Camila wasn’t about to answer that question. The answer was bleak.
She thought about what she’d found when she went into the restroom at the sheriff’s office. There was a little boy’s shirt stuffed behind the cleaning supplies under the sink. It was shoved way in a dark corner so no one would find it, but why? What was it doing back there?
Did these two men she’d had sex with have any connection to this child abduction ring? If so, why would they be working tonight?
And yes, she was calling it a ring even though she had no substantial evidence. But the circumstantial evidence was a slam dunk. Too many children from this area had disappeared.
Yes, she had searched the bathroom, and she’d search his office as soon as she got the chance. For this case, she would leave no stone unturned. For any child abduction case, she would do her best to solve it.
But right now, little Marta needed their full attention. They had to get her photo out to all police departments including the neighboring counties. Maybe they’d get lucky and someone would be pulled over with her in the backseat.
But the odds of them getting that lucky were almost zero.
“Please find my baby,” the woman said sobbing. “She’s our sweet, precious child.”
“We’ll do our best,” Jordan said and she noted the tense lines on his face. “We’ll talk to you again in the morning.”
They walked out of the house and down the sidewalk to his truck. They’d gone from a happy wedding, to fantastic sex, to a child’s abduction. What a night.
Some days Jordan hated his job. This was one of those days. As they drove back to the office, they talked about the family of the little girl.
“Did anyone else think it was odd that the father and the uncles were out searching for the child?” Camila asked.
If it had been his child, he would have had his entire family and half the town searching for them. So for him, it wasn’t weird at all.
“No,” Ely said. “We would have done the same.”
“But it was odd that they didn’t call the police. That’s the first thing I would have done,” Camila said from the back.
Jordan understood their reason for not calling immediately and yet he couldn’t help but wonder if that’s why their little girl was chosen.
“They’re immigrants. Maybe they’re legal, maybe they’re not, but they are scared. Did you see how the women were all back in the kitchen whispering to each other, trying not to be seen?” Ely replied. “They’re trying to blend in and not be deported.”
“Good point,” Camila said. “I knew they were Hispanic. She said they were immigrants, but all I cared about was the child.”
They arrived at the office where only two hours ago, they’d been having sex on Jordan’s desk. Now they all scattered.
“I’m going to put a call into the National Center for Missing Persons and Exploited Children so I can get her picture circulating. I’m also going to call my boss and tell him we have another case.”