Page 76 of A Demon Is Forever

“We all overheard what you said to him in the kitchen. Abouthanding over the throne. My so called esteemed colleagues raced off to wedgetheir noses up his butt. Thankfully my plans are always adjustable. Calling twosummoning Portals was as easy as calling one. Unfortunately, it appears Imissed, hooking the wrong fish. No matter, it’s easier if the Valkyrie isn’taround to raise questions about your disappearance. In fact… this way I canspread a rumour that the two of you ran off because the pressures of rulinggrew too burdensome for you. Everyone who knows you will readily believe youwere led astray by your dick.”

“Are you telling me my seriously smart friend withimpeccable heritage, the nephew of the former Queen no less, doesn’t meet withyour high standards either?”

“Galen had potential. He most likely would have made an excellentKing. Except he too has been tainted by the Valkyrie brush. With one as hismeld mate, and about to father two more of them, how can he be trusted to putthe Conflict Realm above all other concerns? No matter. Probably easier to wipeout the entire family though. I’ll need to source an explosives expert. Butthat’s just a matter of money, and thankfully I have loads.”

Clicking his fingers, the double doors behind Bartius immediatelyopened, five females sauntering in wearing matching black skin-tight catsuitsand knee high boots. From the way they moved it was clear they were deadly.They exuded confidence and a hint of smugness, coming to a halt behind the sofaBartius was reclining on, standing shoulder to shoulder. Thanks to theirmatching outfits it instantly became apparent that the women were all the exactsame height, and their body shapes likewise identical; slim, toned, but with afulsome rack. Not just similar, mirror perfect.

Side by side, with their hair clubbed back or plaited, it wasobvious their faces were also identical in shape. It was as if someone hadcreated a mould. Only their mix of skin tones, and different eye and haircolours set them apart.

“Oh, Stodgy-ass, what did you do?” Kaleb eyed the newcomers withdistaste.

Shaw couldn’t put her finger on it immediately. There wassomething familiar about these females. Each of them was undeniably beautiful.And if they weren’t standing right next to one another, wore different outfitsand shoe heights, then it wouldn’t be immediately apparent they were products ofsome kind of perverted assembly line. Come on… what was it about them?

The identical look of hatred in their eyes directed her way? Itfelt distinctly personal. They’d definitely met before. Oh, crap. “You were allConsort candidates.”

The raven haired clone directly behind Bartius smiled coldly. “Yousaid you were surprised how slim my ankles were… considering.”

“My ears too small for my head.” Provided the blonde.

“Too sullen.” Contributed the brunette with the dark skin tone.

“Too inexplicably happy.” The redhead’s lips clamped together in afirm tight line as if she’d never smiled a day in her life.

“Like I might have trouble counting up to ten.” This was spat frombetween the clenched teeth of the final female, one with midnight curly shorthair, whose dark eyes seethed with promised vengeance.

“I assume you were hoping I’d be led by my infamous dick andchoose one of the candidates you had lined up? Hoping to control me through oneof them. So why bother with all the assassination attempts?”

“Because you’re as lucky as you are erratic. You can’t even standstill long enough to die. This way I hedged my bets. Match you up with one ofmy girls in the short-term. Eventually your luck would run out, and I wouldswoop in to console the beautiful bereaved Consort… who ever she may be.”Bartius waved a hand to encompass the array of females behind him. “And whatcould be more romantic than the two of us falling in love and announcing that Iwill step up and take the throne for the good of the Realm and in honour ofyour legacy.”

“But someone would twig eventually that… they aren’t even ConflictShe-Demons.”

“Untrue. They cost me a pretty penny but I was guaranteed that atleast thirty, maybe thirty-four percent is the real deal.”

“Which just begs the question, what else is in the mix?”

“You surprise me. At this late stage in the game finally askingsome smart questions. It came to me as I was paying the umpteenth bill forassassination services that just weren’t being delivered upon, that I needednot only more reliable resources, but someone on a more permanent basis in mylife. Someone to handle all the inevitable idiots and provide more… competentprotection for when I assume the throne. It was just a matter of sourcing theright genetic material and handing it over to the Fuientists.”

Oh, that wasn’t good. The Fuientists had no ethics, no boundariesthey weren’t prepared to cross in a bid to pursue their scientific endeavours.They were all about the outcome, and cared absolutely nothing aboutramifications or any other species that got in their way. They were famous fortheir biological and technological creations. If you were willing to pay theprice, the Fuientists would deliver on your request.

“Sorry to have ruined all your convoluted plans.”

“Not at all. In fact, sitting here, a brilliant idea just came tome. What if the bodies of you and the Valkyrie are discovered horrificallytortured and abused? Why, the hunt for who did it will consume the Realm. I’llstep up with a plan, maybe kick off a little war or two to throw Shunia andVanessa a bone. They’ll support my move onto the throne no questions asked ifmoney is in the offing. While Seamus will quickly fall into line if I cease thefunding to rehabilitate the Berserkers.” Clapping his hands together as ifcongratulating himself, Bartius grinned. “So now we should just get on with thetorture and horrific abuse. Ladies, please leave him vaguely recognisable. Her?Do whatever you like.”

Shaw and Kaleb tensed, ready, but none of the clones moved.

Bartius rolled his eyes in judgement. “Seriously, do you have anyidea the value of the antiques in here? Let alone how outrageously expensive itis to get blood and gore out of carpet?” Lifting a hand Bartius wrote a symbolin the air with a smug flourish. Shaw and Kaleb’s ears popping as a bluetranslucent opening appeared in the cascasdian summoning circle, right in frontof the double doors leading to the fog encased balcony. The doors sweeping openas purple fingers of fog crept into the room as if searching for something.

Shit. Shaw hefted one halberd high, grabbing Kaleb’s arm with herspare hand and hauling ass for that exit. They cleared the balcony doors. Shedidn’t know how long it would take for Bartius to take down the rest of thecircle so the clones could follow them. They clattered down the stone steps atthe edge of the balcony, Kaleb almost stumbling but Shaw managed to keep himupright with sheer brute strength.

They couldn’t see worth a damn out here, but then neither wouldthe clones. Then Shaw had a seriously bad thought. What if their genetic mixdid allow them to see in the dark? Crap. Crap. They needed to find somewheredefensible and they needed to find it now. Because her senses were telling herthat the clones were already on their trail.

Hah. Life was funny. Only a day ago she’d been contemplatingkilling Kaleb, but now, the idea of him being hurt was abhorrent to her. Shawhad no idea what to do with these feelings that had blindsided her. The need toprotect, to keep him safe, was thrumming through her blood, driving all herinstincts. Hunt. Fight. Kill.

It was past time she taught five pissed off clone assassins thatyou never ever get between a Valkyrie and someone she… loves. Freyja help her.


At the base of the stone steps they discovered a ten foot highhedge blocking their way. Shit. Seems Bartius had sprung for the English gardeneffect despite the encasing fog. No one could accuse the Demon of being cheap.