“Not on my sofas.”
“Of course not, their cream, I’ve seen the pictures. Besides,visitors sit on them, it would just be tacky.”
“Exactly. Like you said, it was merely a matter of convenience. Ijust took advantage of Kaleb and his adequate cock whilst the opportunitypresented itself.”
“Adequate? Wow, that’s high praise coming from you. No wonderyou’re wavering over whether to kill him or not. You know, maybe you don’t haveto do anything at all. There are a bunch of single Valkyries coming today,anyone of whom might be willing to take him off your hands. Mention theadequate cock and there might even be a little tussle or two. That could be funfor me. Or, we could raffle him off… for charity. Give the money to the retiredValkyries’ annual Vegas – all you can drink ale - trip.”
The red haze that descended over Shaw with a thump was new. Bothher halberds suddenly clenched in her hands. All her instincts firing, even asStephanie kept on talking. Was this what happened when you were seriouslycoffee deprived? Though it didn’t explain the roiling need to kill all hersister Valkyries at the idea of any of them attempting to lay a finger onKaleb.
“And hey, there’s always the Conflict She-Demons. I bet there’sprobably an ex-girlfriend or two in the mix who wouldn’t mind another ride onMr Adequate.”
“If you don’t stop talking, I’m going to hunt down a nail gun. Iswear to the Good Goddess. Just how fast can you waddle these days? Probablynot so fast I’m guessing.”
“Oh, so touchy. I’m only trying to help. You won’t kill him. Nowyou say you won’t off load him.”
“We have an agreement. At the end of which he’ll disappear back tohis conflict consuming day job, and I’ll be ultra busy being a battle bitchonce more. The chances of us ever crossing paths again are-”
“-pretty high.” Stephanie supplied. “He is Galen’s best friend.Well, once they get past this whole dumping Kaleb on the throne without askingbusiness. We all live very long lives. You’re bound to keep crossing paths withhim. There’ll be the wetting of the babies’ heads with ale ceremony. Theirbirthdays. Freyja’s annual birthday shindig celebration. The girls’ first mockbattle. The re-enactment battle pageants. The battle award ceremonies. The-”
“Stop. Please. For the love of my halberds. I don’t know what anyof that has to do with me?”
“That’s lovely. As the girls’ Freyjamother you’re going to figurerather prominently in their lives.”
“Wait. You want me to be their Freyjamother?”
“Did I forget to tell you? I’m sure I wrote it down on a listsomewhere. There’s that baby brain again. Anyway, if anything happens to me, Iexpect you to step up and ensure my girls become the most feared awesomeValkyries ever.”
Wow. Shaw was kind of touched. Then of Stephanie had to go andruin the glow.
“Of course Galen will be asking Kaleb to be the girls’Conflictfather. I mean, yes, they’ll be Valkyries, but I don’t want themignoring part of their cultural heritage just because it’s not alldecapitation, sundering limbs and covering themselves in blood and battleglory.”
Heavens, why wouldn’t Stephanie stop talking? “That sounds great.Thank you for the honour. I’ll be fine interacting with the Demon in thefuture. This time next month I’ll be knee deep in someone’s guts and concernedonly where my next kill is coming from. Shed of one pesky Demon and living mybest battle bitch life.”
“Oh, yeah, no doubt. It’s just all those events I mentioned? Mostpeople attending bring a… date.”
The red haze for some reason descended with a resounding thud overShaw’s vision once more. Was it an eclipse? A supernatural event? Her stomachroiling, the need to kill someone flaring. All Shaw’s instincts telling her tohunt down one scheming, smiling, dimpling, angelic looking Demon babe magnet.Who, no doubt would bring a parade of long legged stacked lovelies to everyevent they were forced to attend for Stephanie and Galen’s girls. Kaleb wouldprobably have to be reminded of Shaw’s name each time they met. Bastard. Shewas swinging back towards keeping him, what? No! She meant killing him.
“Crap. I have to pee… again.” Stephanie turned abruptly to headinside, her ponytail swinging out to slap Shaw across the face.
Thank you very much, she needed that wake up call.
Coffee. Breakfast. A shower. Party prep. Baby shower. Why, giventhe time they made their agreement ten days ago, Shaw actually only had abouttwenty-four more hours before she and the Demon went their separate ways. Onceshe was back full time as a battle bitch, all her problems would be solved.This time next week she’d be the one barely able to remember Kaleb’s name.Although to be honest, it might take her a little longer, probably two weeks atleast, to forget about his very talented, very adequate cock. Freyja love her,bring on the battles.
Kaleb stood beside the kitchen sink, guzzling down a second glassof water. Staring out the window he flinched, as the Demoness currentlyattempting to bludgeon the alarmingly big headed baby pinata, came withininches of bashing Shaw’s mother in the head instead. Luckily Christina hadexcellent reflexes and ducked. The crowd hovering around the pinata laughing inwhooping approval. Pint glasses raised in acknowledgement. The two grandmothersseated upon the raised dais, accorded a front row seat of the action, laughingand elbowing one another.
Seriously? Who would have thought the Valkyrie battle legend andthe Conflict Demon wedding dress designer would actually get along?
There had been a tense wary moment when they’d first beenintroduced and led to their thrones. Each eyeing the others gilded monstrosityto see if it in any way outshone their own. But within a blink of an eye, andeight or nine rounds of ale, chased down with vodka shots, thegrandmothers-to-be were chatting away as if they’d known each other forcenturies.
It was definitely going in the win column, Kaleb decided. As werethe rest of the proceedings. Okay, yes, the on-standby medics had had torequest more supplies, twice already. But all the cuts, gashes, rope burns,contusions, concussions, and one loss of a digit - so far - were all deemedrelatively minor injuries in the grand scheme of things. Really, Kaleb thought,they’d gotten off lightly.
Shaw had been right. Once the Valkyries and She-Demons had gottena glimpse of the shiny deadly prizes designed by Zuri, they’d been nothing buteager to participate in all the games. It went without saying that some of thegames, though perfectly innocent when designed, had taken on a rather fierce,decidedly competitive overtone.
Who knew that designing baby bonnets out of toilet paper could beturned into a blood sport? Not him. But this entire party had turned outeducational for Kaleb.
Given the different species, the abundance of alcohol on offer,and the ready availability of incredibly sharp weaponry decorating everyupright outdoor surface, he’d been half expecting a bloody clash to the death.What he’d gotten instead was a rip roaring baby shower. Where everyone, nomatter their species, appeared to be getting along rather famously.