Now Shaw might notbe a master of politics, or be able to talk circles around people. But shecould glare with the best of them. There wasn’t a Valkyrie alive who couldn’tswill ale, eat steak and tell a battle story fireside via grunts, headgestures, and the occasional waving around of a large fork with a piece of meatstill on it.
With a short sharpgrunt and chin jut, Shaw let the Low Magistrate know she was high up on theValkyrie corporate ladder and that she was here to see her people. To assesstheir well-being and to get their side of the story regarding the transgressionthey were accused of perpetrating. That grunt lasted less than a split second,but it took the Magistrate a good two minutes of silent ruminating before theyreached a decision. During which Shaw wasn’t foolish enough to make a peep.She’d said all she had to say with the grunt, sensing the Ye-Po appreciatedbrevity.
Finally, with ahead jerk to the left, the Magistrate gestured for Shaw to pass. She bobbed herhead in a slight bow of thanks, quickly heading for the door indicated.Determined not to worry about abandoning Kaleb… too much. Though it was clearhe wasn’t the Ye-Po’s cup of tea, she was reasonably sure they wouldn’t hurthim… or even if they tried, Conflict Demons were hard to kill. He’d be fine,she had faith. Although he never seemed to know when to just shut up. Uh-oh,maybe she’d better speed this along.
Ten minutes laterShaw was heading back to the common area of the Judicial building, irritatedand amused at the same time. If she had a gold coin for every time one of herbrethren started a sentence with -and then one of my sister Valkyries betme I couldn’t… - finish that sentence however you pleased. But it too oftenended up in bloodshed. Screams. Mischief. Mayhem. And for an unfortunatenumber, a prison holding cell.
Although asholding cells went, this one was above par. Well lit. Regular meals. A cot eachfor Hella and Lottie. Personally, Shaw wouldn’t be averse to the duo remainingin the care of the Ye-Po to learn a lesson. Problem was, Valkyries never, ever,learnt that lesson. Always up for another bet. More worrisome, the women werebeginning to get bored. And bored Valkyries were dangerous individuals indeed.
Therefore, Shawwould speedily pass along their statements of what had occurred to Jordan, whowould then swiftly work her magic in court, or make a petition, or whatever onedid in the Yemen-Poh Realm and get their brethren released.
Pleased with howeasily and speedily she had resolved this issue, Shaw was feeling a littlesmug. Yes, it was undeniable that Kaleb had been helpful in ticking off severalthings from Stephanie’s to-do list. But this item, it had been all Shaw’sresponsibility, and she’d totally rocked it all by herself, without anyassistance required from one swaggering, chatty, dimpling Demon. If anything,his presence had almost screwed the pooch. Luckily, she had saved the day.
Now to save Kaleb.
She didn’t hearthe sound of stone thudding against Demon flesh and bone as she passed throughthe entrance into the common area. Perhaps the Demon had chosen the wise optionof blessed silence.
Wise? Kaleb? Ofcourse not.
The sight of himstabbing the Guard with the Leia side buns with his sword was unexpected to saythe least. Weirder still, he was smiling whilst he was doing it. More startlingwas that Guard One was doing nothing whatsoever to protect or defend themself.
The Magistratebanged his stone mallet on the bench, pointing a censorious finger Shaw’s way.She clenched her teeth together abruptly, managing to elicit a hissing gruntthat was readily translated to –what, in the name of the Good Goddess, isgoing on here?
“Don’t worry.Just…” Kaleb danced around the Guard, swinging his sword in a wide arc, a movethat should have amputated an arm but Kaleb’s sword did nothing but bounce offthe skin armour. “… testing out the merchandise.”
Shaw waited. TheMagistrate didn’t bang his mallet to express his displeasure with Kaleb forchatting, nor did either of the Guards make a move to stop him.
“This stuff ismarvellous. Truly great. Let’s talk numbers.” Kaleb panted, a little out ofbreath as he sheathed his sword. “And does it come in any other colours? Mybrethren are rather wedded to black. They think it makes them look moreintimidating I guess.”
Shaw was undecidedwhether to be annoyed or impressed. Honestly, Kaleb could turn the horrificmurder of a Saint into a celebratory party. Five minutes later, after dickeringover prices, and ensuring a few buckets of sticky saliva produced by the localPu-Poh bird and several of its claws; the only things that could hold ittogether and cut through Bombassa skin, were included in the deal.
Kaleb, flushedwith success, turned to Shaw indicating they could go. “That was fruitful.”Kaleb waving goodbye. “Lovely people… a little on the taciturn side. Did youget in to see your Valkyries?”
“Excellent. Youknow, most days it really sucks to be King. But occasionally there will be onerare day where things, despite the odd assassination attempt, turn out favourably.Knowing my Realm’s security forces will be wearing Bombassa armour is a rathergratifying legacy to have linked to my hopefully short reign. What’s next,Valkyrie? Nothing can bring me down. What grand adventure do you have plannedfor us now?”
“Back toHeadquarters to clean up. Then you and I will head over to my parent’s placefor our weekly family dinner.”
“Meeting yourparents. How… novel. I don’t think I’ve ever been taken home to meet theparents of any woman I’m seeing.” They stepped out of the Portal onto theStaging Area floor back at Headquarters. Making a beeline for the elevators.
“There is noseeing. No entanglement between us other than contractual. I have to attend myweekly family dinner, and thanks to our agreement and circling Gxthian warparties, I can’t exactly abandon you on a street corner. Unless you’d bewilling to hang out at Headquarters until I return to fetch you?”
“Please, and missthe opportunity to meet Mama and Papa Bengala? Never. Don’t worry, they’regoing to love me.”
Shaw highlydoubted that. Kaleb might be able to win over Helgastein Gerwitz with hisangelic good looks and wicked storytelling tongue. But her parents? LovingKaleb? The never stop talking dimpling Demon?
Huh, Shaw almostfelt sorry for him. Perhaps she should warn him. Still undecided about what todo as they left the elevator and entered the general admin area, every headturning to track their progress. More than a few of her brethren discreetlychecking their hair and morphing their outfits a little tighter, and shorter inseveral cases. Seriously? Most of the HQ staff were retired battle Valkyrieswho should know better than to fall for a pretty face.
Swaggering likethe Freyja damned pirate he was dressed up like, Kaleb dipped a dramatic bow. “Ladies.I’m back, victorious, but don’t get too attached, Shaw here is dragging me offto meet her parents this evening.”
The explosion ofgossip that statement evoked made Shaw’s head throb. Honestly, was this Demonsent to test her? Or perhaps he was a punishment for past life misdeeds? Shewas back to thinking her Goddess had a personal hate on for her. There was noother explanation for why she was being saddled with this torment.
Well, MrOver-confident could swagger and blather all he liked… but he was about to havedinner with the two biggest predators Shaw knew, her parents.
She idly wonderedwhich of them would be hanging the Demon’s head figuratively on their trophywall.