“Why are youacting so put upon?” Stephanie thankfully stopped bouncing as she returnedHelgastein’s glare. “It’s your job, as my executive assistant, to collate thesefiles and provide them in a prompt and timely manner.”
If possible,Helgastein’s dour expression darkened, her gaze travelling slowly downStephanie’s frame, stopping at her raspberry coloured espadrilles. “Have yourankles always been that puffy?”
“They are notpuffy.” Stephanie tried to get a look but failed dismally as her large stomachgot in the way. Throwing herself into the nearest chair she lifted her feet uponto the table, glaring down at her ankles.
Shaw didn’t missthe triumphant glimmer that settled on Helgastein’s face as she swung aroundand abruptly headed for the exit. “Did I say puffy? I meant fat.”
“Ohhh. Youheifer.” Stephanie growled out too late at the already closed doors. Turningher glare once more to her ankles. ‘Do they look puffy to you?”
By Freyja’s Sword.If Shaw said no, then Stephanie would pop back up and begin the hypnoticallyawful bouncing once more, in a vain attempt to dislodge her progeny. On theother hand, if Shaw agreed with Helgastein, then she might have to duck aswinging war axe aimed at her neck. She settled on looking at the ankles inquestion, giving a quick sharp negative shake of her head before swiftlylooking away as if guilty.
“Damn, they’rehumongous, aren’t they?” Thankfully Stephanie remained seated, her blue eyesmournful as she surveyed her raised ankles and feet. “When is thisGoddess-forsaken pregnancy going to end? It’s been over ten months now. Tenmonths and sixteen days to be exact. Hey, you two.” Okay, now the crazypregnant Valkyrie was yelling at her stomach, that didn’t make Shaw feeluncomfortable at all. “What’s taking so freaking long?”
“Um, speaking of…that. Shouldn’t you be on maternity leave, doing… maternity stuff?”
“There’s way toomuch to do here to go on maternity leave. Besides, it could be weeks yet,potentially months. Galen spoke to his father and he said his mate’spregnancies generally lasted between eleven to twelve months.”
“But you’re havingtwin Valkyries, not Conflict Demons. What did your mother say about herpregnancy?”
“That half waythrough her eighth month she explained to me a big important battle was comingup that she didn’t want to miss out on. I promptly arrived two hours later.”
“Oh, what battle?”
“Sigloagst Gorge.”
“Your motherfought at Sigloagst? Lots of Valkyries claim they were there, but Laurelactually was? Wow. She must have some epic tales.”
Stephanie absentlypatted her belly. “Her bedtimes stories were always pretty kickass, the twinsare going to love her.”
Oh, yes, thepregnancy. Back on track, Shaw. “About… that.” Waving her hand in the generaldirection of Stephanie’s enormous belly. “Have you thought that maybe all thehours you’re working and still training might be sending… them, the twins,mixed messages?”
Stephanie’s gazenarrowed, her blue eyes darkening. There was a war axe in her right hand thathadn’t been there two seconds ago.
Oh, shit. “All I’msaying is maybe they don’t want to interrupt your busy schedule.”
Disappearing theaxe, Stephanie rubbed her belly, tears glittering suddenly in her eyes, lookinglike any moment they were about to fall. “Are you saying they feel unwanted?Because that’s complete nonsense. Galen sings to them every night. And I hireda not too distant relative of Odin’s to design and build the cots for thenursery. They did not come cheap. I’ve shown you pictures, right?”
Shaw hurriedlynodded, she’d seen the pictures of the two metal cots made out of war axes waytoo many times to count already.
“The nursery wascompletely fitted out three months ago. It would have been even earlier butthat grumpy Wiccan artist kept resisting my suggestions to add more blood tothe battle scene murals. She didn’t get it right until I stood over herpersonally, pointing out ways to improve it. It’s perfect now. Everything isready and waiting. How can they possibly feel unwanted?”
“Not unwanted. Noone said anything about unwanted. It’s just you do really important work here.I think that’s apparent to everyone. Maybe they just don’t want to interruptyour life, given all the high priority items you have on your to-do list.”
“But getting them…out is my number one priority.” Frustration at least had disappeared thepossible tears.
“Whoa, rememberyour ankles.” Shaw reminded when it looked like Stephanie was about to boltupright and no doubt resume bouncing once more.
A look of horrorsuddenly transforming Stephanie’s gorgeous face, as if she’d tasted somethingsour. “You don’t think they’re trying to be… polite, do you?”
“Definitely not.If anything, they’re probably trying to back-up a sister Valkyrie by stayingout of the way whilst you complete your mission, or in your case, the bulletpoints on your priority list.”
“Well, crap. Whatam I supposed to do?”
“Maternity leave.Through your actions, you prove to them that there’s no better time for them tomake an appearance than right now.”
“But there’s waytoo much to do.” Stephanie glared down at the clipboard she had precariouslybalanced on her belly. “I need to appoint at least two Department Heads beforethe end of the financial year, or the accountants will go nuts. Plus, wedesperately need more deep pocket long-term clients. I’ve been trying to get anappointment at the Olympus Court to sell our services, but keep getting blockedby literal God damn bureaucracy. Then there’s the baby shower. Ugh. Right? ButGalen says it’s a Conflict Demon tradition. Even though none of his sisters orhis mother will return my calls to advise of a convenient date. Or even tell mewhat the hell the shower actually involves. I mean, they’re ConflictShe-Demons, it could mean pissing on the mother-to-be for all I know. The waythey’re being so surly, it wouldn’t surprise me at all. They hate me.”
“All of that canwait.” Shaw was busy glaring at her trick knee, blaming it for all her currentproblems, and the fact she was being forced to listen to all of Stephanie’sproblems when she just didn’t care.