“Make way for themother of the King.” Kaleb’s mother declared regally. Swishing her cape,ensuring it flared out behind her like a crimson wave.
Wow, Shaw had toadmit the female knew how to make an entrance as the crowd parted, creating acleared path to the dais. Shaw noting there was something interesting about theway the Conflict Demons in the room were reacting to the newcomer. Quite a fewmaking a furtive break for the exit. Whilst a large number kept their gazesdown, studiously trying to avoid eye contact. Conflict Demons avoiding aconfrontation? That was kind of unheard of.
Pausing at thebottom of the stairs leading up to the dais, Kaleb’s mother noted the Demonslined up awaiting the contract decision. “Boots? Let’s see if I can help narrowthings down.” She twirled, cape flaring, smacking a pale Demoness in the face.Gliding up the line Kaleb’s mother tapped an older grizzled Demon on the chest.“Sweatshops.” Making a disapproving tsking sound, before moving on to a smuglooking Demon wearing all black. “Child labour.” Smacking his chest, making thetsking sound once more before moving on. “Second set of books.” Smack. Tsk.“Sleeping with both your warehouse manager and your accountant. No recipe fordisaster there.” Smack. Tsk.
The next greyhaired Demon in the line up, elegantly dressed, tall and arrogant, smiled snidelyin greeting. “You have nothing on me, Margrete.”
Leaning forward,acting as if she were whispering, though her voice resonated to every corner ofthe throne room. “I have one word for you, Silas.Pleather.” Smack. Tsk.
Moving on.
“Substandard.”Smack. Tsk. “Just ugly.” Smack. Tsk. Margrete paused at the next Demon. He wasyoung. All but trembling. Holding an example of his work so tightly in hishands that his fingers were white. “Bradger. Operation and workforce too small…currently. But I must say what a lovely product you make. Why, look at theseboots.” Margrete lifted the hem of her gown to display intricately craftedraspberry ankle boots. No smack. No tsk. Moving on, Margrete eyed the twofinal candidates. An older She-Demon and a younger male. Both looked like theywere waiting for a guillotine to drop and cleave their heads from their bodies.
“Karo. Leith. Bothsmall, bordering on the boutique. But so much potential and your products areof excellent quality. I suggest Karo be awarded the contract to supply thestaff. Whilst Leith should focus upon the Palace guards.” Turning, Margreteglared up at the steward standing beside Kaleb, who hastily banged his staff,announcing the final decision. Before abruptly turning very pale, glancingKaleb’s way, who waved off his concern that he might have been a littlepre-emptive in regards to his announcement.
Noting the numberof verbal and physical fights that had broken out in his mother’s wake, Kalebtook a deep breath, savouring the conflict. He did adore Margrete. “You mightas well dissolve proceedings, Chetty.”
The steward struckhis staff to the marble floor making four resounding strikes. Most of theDemons still present headed speedily for the exit. Those too caught up in thedramas instigated by Margrete’s words were hustled out by Palace guards.Eventually leaving only Kaleb, Shaw, the steward and the advisors behind.
Margrete was inthe process of sweeping majestically up the stairs to greet her son, capeflaring behind her in what had to be a practised move Shaw determined. However,her path was blocked by the advisors swarming her. Acting like school childrenintent on tattling to the Headmistress in order to get Kaleb in trouble.
“A Valkyrie,Margrete? You can’t really condone this match?”
“A mate-in-lawcapable of ripping off the heads of my son’s enemies? What’s not to love,Shunia?”
“But your bloodlinesare impeccable. You can’t possibly want to dilute them?” Kenyon’s black eyeswere filled with horror at the idea.
“I think all thatI’ll see when I have twelve precious grandbabies running around under foot, ishow much I love and adore them. Besides, I should imagine adding Valkyrie bloodto the mix won’t lessen the mayhem or the murder attempts we’ve all come toexpect from our imps. If anything, I shall be anticipating more blood. Won’tthat be fun?”
“Grete, really,are you willing to chance it?” Vanessa clutched at the lapels of her yellowrobes, twisting them into unusual shapes.
“Your purebloodlines don’t seem to have won you any prizes in the grandchildren stakes,Ness. Other than Yonathon sitting in the CEO office napping his days away, I’munsure if I would consider any of your brood to be great examples of pureConflict Demon success. There’s the failed concert promoter. The failed dressdesigner. The failed banker with arrest warrants out for him on multiplePlanes. The failed influencer. The failed-”
“Enough.” Bartiusinterrupted. “We’ll be here all day if you keep listing all Vanessa’s failedgrand progeny.”
“Please, she’s notwrong, is she? At least Flitty here has built a successful empire of exclusivepre-schools.” A grey gaze full of contempt eyed the King.
“Ah.” Kalebgrinned. “You must finally be warming up to me, Bartius, if we are at thesecret code names for one another stage. So, I’ll be Flitty and you can be…Stodgy-ass. How about it? Hmmm, your eyes say no, but I’m King, so I’m sayingyes.”
“Speaking of youbeing King, darling. I’m declaring my mother of the King right to whisk you andyour lovely… Consort, off for an early dinner.So the three of us can talk.”
Gulp. Shawswallowed hard. There was something about the glint in Margrete’s eyes that hadher warily rising to her feet. Kaleb’s mother might be eerily switched into allthe gossip going on in this Realm and it appeared, on every other Plane. ButShaw was guessing she didn’t appreciate being left out of any plotting when itcame to her son. Who she clearly doted upon. Her beautiful pale blue eyes sosimilar to his, softening every time her gaze came to rest upon Kaleb. No, itwas very clear who Margrete was blaming for being left out of the loop.
Damn, Shaw had thedistinct feeling that this first official meeting with a male’s mother, eventhough she was only pretending to be his Consort, was going to painful. She wasno slave to etiquette but Shaw was reasonably sure that calling her halberdsand using them to fend off Margrete would probably be considered a major fauxpas.
Double damn. Shewas going to have to do that thing she despised… chat. Sweet Freyja, why hadher Goddess turned on her so?
Chapter Nine
“So, Shaw. Tell meabout your deep and abiding love for my gorgeous, gorgeous son?”
By the Sword. Shawfelt sick to her stomach and for the first time in her life the array ofdelicious platters of food, placed before her on the outdoor dining tablebeside the Palace pool, did nothing but make her feel nauseous.
The servants haddiscreetly disappeared, whilst the Palace guards were maintaining a respectfuldistance, so effectively it was just the three of them poolside.
Crap, reluctantlyreaching for a glass of water, knowing she was going to need all her facultiesunhindered by alcohol to deal with this unforeseen new adversary. Shaw took alarge swig, buying herself some more time to come up with an answer.