A noise complaintissue was dealt with by gifting the offending forever-screaming couple a week’sstay at a luxury resort on Mixeltoob. Instructed by Kaleb to fuck out theirissues, or they would be forced to attend couple’s therapy for a year.Conducted by a lovely ‘tranquillity loving’ Creight Doctor Kaleb happened toknow.
A baker, whoseproducts were deemed almost inedible by all and sundry, was scheduled for anappointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor. Because, as Kaleb claimedafter sampling one of the male’s currant buns, the Demon clearly had notastebuds.
An outragedhelicopter parent was instructed to teach a class of adolescents for one day.Their so-called perfect progeny amongst them, and then see if they still wantedthe teacher fired, or perhaps given a healthy bonus.
Puppies weregifted to two elderly Conflict Demons with a decades long neighbourly disputeover rubbish bin placement. Though Shaw wasn’t sure how long their gobsmackedsilence was going to last, as she heard one tersely declare her goldenretriever was clearly much more intelligent than her adversary’s blacklabrador.
An employer, whoseemployees were suing for a raise, was sentenced to live for a month on what shewas paying her employees. A landlord was gifted his rentees entire backlog ofbatman comics, the only thing they owned of value, in return for the propertydamage they had caused. A male was told to suck it up, when he tried to sue hisdate for refusing to go dutch on their first date. Sentenced by Kaleb to watcha hundred Earth rom-coms, to get a bloody clue.
Sitting down to aquiet lunch. Just the two of them back on their private balcony. Shaw waiteduntil the staff had left before eyeing Kaleb as he attacked the large steaksandwich on his plate.
“This morning wasstrangely entertaining.”
He shrugged, chewing,before reaching for the pint of frosty ale that had been poured for him.
“You almost seemedto enjoy yourself.” Shaw couldn’t help but point out. “But somehow, given whatI’ve heard about her, I can’t imagine the former Queen presiding over petty grievances.”
“True. But myesteemed advisors tell me that it’s a character building exercise. Personally,I believe they’re hoping that I will prove so incompetent the general populacewill rise up and de-throne me. Just another of their eternal strategies tounseat me. Which is ridiculous. I’ve made it perfectly clear I don’t intend tostay on the throne. But instead of working with me, all I get is machinationsand sub-plots. The lot of them determined to control me and the narrative.”
“They think theycan control you? Have they just met you?”
“I know, right?Have you been working on an escape plan for us? There are four transportPortals on the grounds that will return us to the Earth Plane. None of whichare as strictly guarded as the ones located in the Palace.”
“I appear to havebeen assigned my own personal protection team. I’m assuming you don’t want meto kill them? Yeah, didn’t think so. But trying to conduct discreetreconnaissance with a platoon of guards tagging along behind me is going to bekind of problematic.”
“You could go fora run this afternoon, around the grounds, get the lay of the land.”
“What about you?”
“I can take careof myself for an hour or two. Besides, I’ll be back in the throne room for parttwo of today’s torture the King session. Safely surrounded by hundreds ofwitnesses. The advisors have scheduled vendor submissions for Royal contracts.One of the highlights of my afternoon will be getting to decide who will supplyboots for the guards.” Kaleb smiled brightly, chugging down the remainder ofhis ale.
“You almost actlike you’re looking forward to it?”
“Though I make ita point of being rarely here, I do however have one of the best inteloperatives at my disposal. I can speedily pull off a few surprises to keep mydevoted advisors off balance. It keeps things fresh and fun for me. And annoysthe hell out of them. Just you work on getting us out of here. I don’t want toeven think about what inane activities they’ve got planned for me tomorrow.”
Crap, Shaw hadbeen hoping to slip into the throne room discreetly. Kaleb’s cheerful loudgreeting cutting through the ambient noise like a clap of thunder. Thecavernous space suddenly eerily quiet.
“Over here.” Thedimple and the grin were on souped-up mode as Kaleb waved excitedly, actinglike Shaw couldn’t see him up there on the raised dais, sitting on a grandiosegolden throne. Every head in the room turning to look at Shaw, sizing her up,measuring her reaction to their liege. “I’ve saved you a seat.” Kaleb followedup even louder, patting the slightly smaller but still gaudy empty throne nextto his.
Shaw was hot andsweaty, wearing a dark green tank top, tiny black running shorts and matchingrunners. Her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head, but alreadyseveral spiral curls had escaped.
After three hoursof running around the Palace grounds, she had locked down the location of thegeneral transport Portals and the schedules of the guards manning them. She’dhad to be discreet about her reconnaissance, so had ended up exploring almostevery inch of the surrounding property. From the beach front, the landscapedgardens, the wild wooded regions and of course the stinky lava pits. Which hada surprisingly smooth so-called scenic running track built over them.
Still, Shaw wasconsidering ignoring Kaleb’s request, but two things changed her mind. Firstwas the widespread glare of contempt being sent her way by practically everyConflict Demon present. Secondly, alarmingly, was the look on Kaleb’s face. Notthe gorgeous grin or the accompanying devastating dimple, but beneath that. Thefact that the normal amused twinkle in his pale blue eyes was a little dim,whilst his lovely white teeth appeared clenched rather tightly together.
She’d only knownKaleb for three days now, yet Shaw could tell that the pressure and stress ofbeing here, being forced to act Kingly, whilst everyone around him plotted andcomplained, was finally starting to get to him. Sensing that despite all hissurface cheeriness, Kaleb was incredibly close to blowing up. In criticaldanger of destroying whatever machinations he was plotting that he kept alludingwould come to fruition in seven days’ time.
Damn her nobleheart.
Shaw struttedtowards the raised dais at a quick pace, doable since the crowd immediatelyparted warily to create a path.
Kaleb crowingloudly. “She’s a Valkyrie, you know. I love those long legs… I can’t deny. Butit’s more than just physical between us. I fell hard for more than the awesomerack, ripe ass, and those lips… have you seen the lips?” Kaleb winking at Shawas she climbed the five stairs to the dais. “What really captured my heart wasjust how incredibly… sweet she is.”
“That’s me,sweet.” Agreed Shaw through gritted teeth as she plonked herself down on thevacant smaller throne.