“Hire theValkyries? Why would I want to do that? I’m perfectly capable of exacting myown retribution when necessary, thank you very much.”
“No, you’re right.It would be wrong just to hire them to get them off the streets. Lucifer,they’re so out of practise a Valkyrie like that would probably get hurt in amere fracas.”
“Hurt? No… Iwouldn’t want that.”
“Of course not….But…” He dangled the hook, he just needed Ariadne to take the bait.
“…But I do haveseveral… ongoing quarrels, that might require a battalion or two of Valkyriesto help resolve.”
“Really?” Kalebswung his dance partner around, dipping her. “What a funny coincidence, I justhappen to have one of their business cards right here.”
Chapter Six
“Why am I back inthe linen closet?”
“So you canproperly… reward me for getting you three new Godly clients?” Kaleb waggled hiseyebrows suggestively, which only made Shaw scowl and roll her eyes.
“Thanks to you Inow have three Goddesses who think I hit on their husbands. They want to hurtme… badly.”
“Ah, but thanks tomy suggestion they’re prepared to do it covertly by hiring a whole bunch ofValkyries in the hopes that you might get dead.”
“Why would theypresume I’d get dead?”
“I might havehinted that the Valkyries are a little out of shape.”
“What happens whenwe defeat their enemies effortlessly and with minimal casualties?”
“By then I’massuming they’ll be hooked on the adrenalin high of victory over whoever theywere pissed off at, forget about you, and decide to focus their attention onsettling a few more little… squabbles they have been ruminating over.”
“Oh.” Shaw wasn’tquite sure what to say. That did sound like it might work. “Umm…” She couldn’tquite bring herself to say thank you. “… good.”
“So profusive.It’s embarrassing the way you fawn over me in gratitude. Okay, now it’s my turnto cross something off a list.” Kaleb’s gaze travelled slowly down Shaw’scurvaceous frame, he was going to miss the dress.
“No, don’t tellme. I have to change again.” Watching as Kaleb absently discarded his tie andjacket before proceeding to roll up the sleeves of his white dress shirt. “I amnot your life-sized dress up Barbie. Why are you looking at me like that? Stopit, or I’ll rip that dimple right out of your face.”
“I can’t ceasebeing male with a healthy imagination. If that were a crime against Valkyriesthere wouldn’t be any males left.”
“Just tell mewhere we’re going, how much I’m going to hate it, and what I need to wear. Inthe fewest words possible.”
“Um. About that.It’s casual, no dress code. And I’m going to need you to promise you won’t tellanyone about where we’re going and who we’re going to see. I’m also going toneed you not to kill anyone when we get there. No matter how dire thecircumstances appear. No matter how threatened you might feel.”
“Well, now youhave my attention, Demon. Lead the way.”
Tapping his goldwatch four times, Kaleb summoned a Portal. Stepping through, Shaw at firstassumed they had arrived at one of his pre-schools. Bright clashing coloursdecorating the walls, along with a large winding rainbow. A massive yellow sunsituated above it all with a huge, quite frankly malevolent grin painted on itsdial.
“Heavens. That’sunsettling.”
“I know, right.”Kaleb agreed. “I’ve asked them to tone it down but the Doctor in charge insistsit’s all life affirming, and promotes positive energy.”
Doctor? Now thatKaleb mentioned it, Shaw twigged to the unique smell that medical facilitiesappeared unable to shake. Disinfectant, heavy fake florals and oatmeal.
If the smellhadn’t been enough of a confirmation, the two enormous staff members lumberingdown the hallway completely sealed the deal. Balurites were hard to ignore. Forone they were over nine-feet tall, and secondly, their skin was an ochre red.Which unfortunately clashed horribly with their pale pink uniforms of loosepants and tight t-shirts.
A distant cousinof the giant family tree, Balurites were famous for their titanium like skinand their peace loving ways. Luxurious manes of wiry dark red hair fell totheir shoulders, their eyes smouldering a flaming red. Given their looks andheight, you would expect harsh, guttural speech from them, but the Baluritesproduced prestigious opera grade singers. Tending to use their voices as apeacekeeping measure, rather than their brawny size.
“Namaste.” The oneon the left acknowledged Kaleb and Shaw as they ambled past.