Page 16 of A Demon Is Forever

“Don’t go.” Gracebacked up her sister. “We… maybe we’ve been…”

“Wrong. Say theword, or I’m leaving.” Shaw growled.

“Wrong.” Giselleresponded. “And we’d very much like to get to know our nieces.”

“… And theValkyrie.” Greer added, albeit reluctantly.

“Stephanie. Hername is Stephanie.”

“Stephanie.”Several of the sisters dutifully repeated the name.

“You’ll come tothe baby shower?” Shaw queried.

“Yes.” Lots ofnods followed.

“And you’ll bringgifts for the babies? Preferably something sharp.”

“Yes.” More nods.

“Okay. Good. Nowwhere are those hot chips? I’m starving. Let’s get this lunch started. While weeat you lot can fill me in on what happens at Conflict Demon baby showers.”

“The usual.” Graceresponded. “Food. Booze. Presents. Games.”

“Games?” No onehad said anything about games. “Like to the death?” If that were the case thenShaw might actually start looking forward to the ridiculous event.

“Not to thedeath.” Gabriella replied, correctly reading the disappointment in Shaw’s eyes.“But bloodshed is allowed. It pays to have a medical team on standby.”

“Don’t forgetprizes for the winners.” Georgina advised.

“Prizes? Whatkinds of prizes?” Shaw shared a bewildered look with Kaleb, it didn’t seem likehe knew the answer either. And as the hot chips finally arrived and thewaitress remained to take their orders, it didn’t look like Shaw was going toget her answer any time soon.

At least thesisters appeared to be in a good mood, as they clinked shot glasses and threwdown vodka with almost contagious enthusiasm. Oh, which reminded her. Leaningover she tapped Kaleb on the back of the hand. “Send the party planner amessage to increase the booze order. Double it.” The sisters within seconds hadalready managed to refill their glasses and were skolling again even as theydevoured the hot chips. Crap. “Better yet. Triple it.”

Chapter Five

“Okay. We need totalk about what you’re wearing.”

“What’s wrong withwhat I’m wearing?” Shaw glanced down at her black stiletto boots, matchingtapered pants and black long sleeve sheer shirt. It had been a perfect outfitfor a lunch with the Darvyn sisters.

But lunch was overnow. The sisters had an Exhibition to run, having made a hasty exit as soon asthey’d finished eating. Kaleb taking charge of the bill before leading Shawupstairs to the lobby. Where they were now standing at the base of an elaboratered carpeted grand staircase with heavy baroque golden bannisters. Overhead,chandeliers sent out rainbow prisms shimmering in all directions.

“Hold this.”

Resisting the urgeto sigh, Shaw took hold of the black jacket Kaleb had been carrying. Watchingas he unfolded the sleeves of his white shirt and began fastening the cuffswith what looked like diamond cufflinks. Huh, intrigued as he next pulled ablack ribbon from his pocket. No, not a ribbon, as he fastened a few more shirtbuttons and proceeded to speedily tie a perfect bow tie. “Thanks.” He took backthe jacket, shrugging into it. Whoa. How had the Demon managed to go fromcasual hottie, to James Bond tux wearing mega model gorgeous in under twominutes?

Shaw wasunsurprised to note more than a handful of women in the lobby were watching himnow with lust filled eyes. Back off bitches, he’s with me, Shaw wanted toshout… hold on, not with her, with her. With her as in an exclusive businessarrangement. Geez, which didn’t sound any better in her head. That sounded likemoney was changing hands in exchange for sexual favours.

Kaleb grabbed Shawby the elbow, hurrying her up the grand staircase. “Elegant. Tasteful. A littledemure even. Nothing that stands out. We want to blend in… at least to startwith.”

Shaw had no ideawhat Kaleb was blathering on about. At the top of the stairs he yanked hertowards an even wider, even more elaborate grand staircase, lit by fourchandeliers. There was a gold sign by the second staircase and Shaw had onlyseconds to digest it. Cloud Room and wedding, were the three words that leaptout at her. She tried to tug her arm away from Kaleb, but the Demon was strong.


Kaleb glared backat her. “Why are you still dressed like that? Hurry. For Lucifer’s sake, hurry.Do you want to be sober for the speeches? You know how verbose Deities can be.”

Wedding. Gods.Speeches.

By the time theyhit the top of the stairs they were strolling, casual, just another coupleheading back to the Cloud Room. Kaleb looking dapper in his tux, smiling, hisarm wrapped around the waist of the tall woman beside him dressed in a blacksilky column of a dress. High neckline, but sleeveless, the material cut so ithinted at full curves but didn’t cling. A knee high slit that allowed her towalk but modestly kept any hint of thigh covered.