Shrugging, Kaleb couldn’t help the smug smile that lifted hislips. “No spoilers. You’ll just have to wait and see. Come on, ditch thejacket, and loosen that tie, it’s time for you to mix and mingle with all thedelightful party guests.” Kaleb glancing over his shoulder to ensure thateverything was okay. Noting his five political advisors stepping outside on tothe crowded patio. When the hell had they arrived? Seriously, what possessedthem to think a baby shower was an appropriate venue to herd and berate him?
“Problem?” Galen queried, rolling his shirt sleeves up.
“Just an annoyance. Speaking of which, I don’t suppose you couldget your meld mate to quit bouncing like that? I’m never going to get that songout of my head otherwise.”
“Song?” Galen’s dark gaze fixed upon his meld mate through thewindow, a slight smile lifting the edges of his lips.
“You haven’t twigged? She’s bouncing in time to Salt-n-Pepa’s PushIt.”
“You bastard. Now I’m not going to be able to get that song out ofmy head either.”
“Hah, my devious slow burn payback plan commences.” Laughingmanically, Kaleb shoved Galen out of the kitchen so he could mix and minglewith all the drunken party goers. All of whom would want to wish Galencongratulations, each in their own unique way. His best buddy was going to beblack and blue by this time tomorrow. Since Kaleb had advised the Valkyriesearlier that a hearty hard slap on the back was the only culturally sensitiveway to congratulate a Demon father-to-be.
Yes, this day was just getting better and better.
Shaw sighed in exasperation, watching as grown-ass Valkyries andShe-Demons scrabbled on the ground, attempting to scoop up the goodies that hadjust cascaded like a waterfall out of the over-sized pinata baby.
Loading it with knuckle dusters, miniature tasers and batons hadbeen a genius idea on the part of Kaleb. Speaking of whom. Her attentionshifting to watch him glide through the crowd. He had a greeting and a smilefor everyone, never stopping, cutting through the party-goers like a shark.
Only when he came across his mother did he shift gears. Itimmediately obvious, at least to Shaw, his smile deepening ever so slightly,genuine now. Leaning over to kiss Grete’s cheek. They chatted for a minute ortwo. Grete looking lovely in a cream silk dress, her bouffant hair teased andcurled to perfection. A slightly dazed incredulous expression descending uponher features for a moment as Kaleb whispered his big news into her ear. Grete’sreaction to hearing her son was stepping off the throne and gifting it to hertook a moment or two to sink in. Slowly Grete’s posture straightened, thetwinkle in her eyes brightening with eagerness and evil delight.
Yes, if there was anyone more suited to being a kickass fairMonarch, Shaw didn’t think they existed. Kaleb had certainly chosen wisely.
Kaleb’s chat with Grete gave time for Galen to break through thecrowd and catch up to him. A grim smile fixed upon Galen’s handsome face asevery Valkyrie he passed gave him a hearty, hard, congratulatory slap on theback. He likewise kissed Grete on the cheek, before sweeping on by, aiming forhis meld mate, Kaleb now the one trailing him, as the two Conflict Demonsjoined them.
Galen kissed Stephanie enthusiastically for a minute before movingbehind her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, allowing her to lean back intohim. A sigh of relief dropping from Stephanie’s lips as he shared some of theweight she was lugging around.
“Here.” Kaleb handed over a fresh icy bottle of ale to Shaw.
Damn, it annoyed her how thoughtful he could be. “Thanks.”Acknowledging his good deed with a grumble. She needed flaws, that’s what sheneeded. Come on, come on, she was cutting ties with Kaleb tomorrow, so Shawneeded to start concentrating on all the things about him that peeved her.
Now what had they been again?
“How much longer is this shindig supposed to last?” Galen reachingaround to rub Stephanie’s bulging belly.
Shrugging, Kaleb surveyed the crowd, chatting and laughing up astorm. The smell of barbequing meat scenting the air as the chefs looked to bein the process of loading the grills with even more food. Whilst the outdoorbar showed no apparent signs of running out of alcohol. “I’m guessing this lotare here for the long haul. The games are all done. All the prizes distributed.But no one appears to be slowing down or heading for the exit Portals.”
“You two don’t have to stay though.” Shaw observed, wondering ifGalen was aware the two of them were now bouncing in place to whatever rhythmStephanie was hearing in her head.
“I have this horrible feeling we’re going to have to pry ourmothers off those thrones with a crowbar.” Stephanie scowled, her attentionshifting to the left. “Is that a conga line? Freyja, the sun hasn’t even gonedown yet.”
“My sisters have gotten into the top shelf vodka from the look ofit.” Galen mused, his dark eyes glimmering with amusement.
“Is that Helgastein in the lead?” Shaw was already dragging herphone out to snap some photos.
“Guess whose picture is going to feature on the Company Christmas cardthis year? You need to forward me those photos.” Stephanie beamed in evilanticipation. “You know, I had reservations about this party… I mean, it’s notlike I can drink ale, or win any of the prizes, but it’s turned out kind ofcool. The only thing that would put the cherry on top of this day would be someout and out violence.” Stephanie had no sooner finished speaking when threelarge Portals shimmered into existence over by the oak trees. Gxthian Demonsspilling out looking menacing in their black leather biker outfits andreflective helmets.
“Stephanie.” Galen’s grip on his meld mate tightened even as shemagic’d in her war axes and raised them high in the air, releasing a chillingwar cry. “I don’t think-”
Whirling, throwing off his hold, Stephanie fixed a cold intentlook upon her mate. Gripping her axes high, rather threateningly. “Galen,Sweetie, Love of my life, if you don’t let me go decapitate some Demons, I willmake your life a never ending eternal hell.” Her gaze switching from cold and deadlyto light and sunny as Galen hurriedly reached over and gave her a small shovetowards the action.
“Have fun.”
“Oh, I will.” Twirling her axes in a showy pattern above her head.“Mama’s gonna get her whack on.” Once more her war cry sounded, this timejoined first by Stephanie’s mother, Laurel, and then her mother-in-law, andthen every other party guest, who looked nothing but eager to test drive thesharp pointy prizes they had won that day.