Page 70 of A Demon Is Forever

But Valkyries never shared their feelings. Other than theirthoughts on their enemies, ale and steak. So of course Shaw totally deflectedinstead. “I’m surprised at how calm you’re being. What with the baby showertomorrow and everything.”

Stephanie wandered over to a nearby window. Gazing down at all theactivity taking place on the patio and the grassy area beyond. “It’s a babyshower. All I have to do is sit there, open gifts, and watch you lot quaffcopious amounts of ale.”

“You’re forgetting Galen’s sisters and mother are coming. Thereare some major fences to mend there.”

“It’s like you’re trying to annoy me. I’m sure it will be fine. Ifnot, I’ll sick Helgastein on them.” Stephanie was frowning now, studying thelay out below. “Tell me one thing though. What’s up with the thrones on thedais?”

“Oh that? That’s where the grandmothers-to-be are going to sit sowe can make a fuss over them.”

“What about making a fuss over the mother-to-be?” Stephanie’s eyesnarrowed in irritation, the bouncing a little more energetic suddenly.

Shrugging casually Shaw turned and exited. Deciding prudently toget out of swinging range, calling out from the corridor. “You said from theget go about this pregnancy not to treat you any differently than normal. Youhaven’t changed your mind, have you? It’s not too late to plunk a third big assthrone right between your mother and new mother-in-law. Who, I’m sure are goingto get on like a house… that’s been hit by a high octane explosive. TheValkyrie battle legend and the Conflict Demon wedding dress designer? So muchin common.”

Stephanie appeared to forget all about the bouncing as she waddledinto view, her blue eyes simmering with annoyance. “This baby shower is goingto be nightmare.”

Mentally patting herself on the back, Shaw was quietly impressedwith her gambit. She’d fixed Stephanie. Having her focus on the baby shower wasgenius. Except even as she looked back over her shoulder Stephanie was nowfrowning down at her tummy, growling at it.

“There’s two miniature Elven made war axes in it for you guys if Igo into labour right before the party.” Raising her voice slightly. “Did youhear, Mama? War axes of your very own.”

Oh, Freyja save her. Although at least if Stephanie was back yellingat her unborn daughters, it meant she wasn’t swanning about insidiously happilyhumming and playing madonna mother-to-be. That was too nightmarish by half.Still, Shaw was totally going to put a once more energetically bouncingStephanie’s impatient demeanour in the win column. Tick. Tick.

Party prep done. Well, Kaleb had it under control.

Stephanie was… fixed. Which meant Shaw and the Demon had time ontheir hands, lots and lots of together time on their hands before the partybegan tomorrow.

Heavens. What was she going to do with him that entailed keepingtheir hands to themselves and absolutely no sex? Crap, Shaw was coming upblank… not totally blank, for some reason she was thinking about the highthread count sheets on the bed in her guestroom.

Stepping out of the house onto the bustling patio, Shaw took amoment to enjoy the feel of sunshine on her face. Which lasted all of twoseconds, instinctively ducking as a worker raced by shouldering a long lengthof wood.

“Watch out.” Jenna murmured absently, her focus half fixed on herphone whilst she seemingly supervised five different decoration projects goingon at once. Suddenly Jenna screeched to a halt, eyeing Shaw from head to toe.“You're strong, right?” Not even waiting for an answer she grabbed Shaw by thearm, dragging her over to the edge of the lawn. “Hold that steady.”

Warily Shaw reached up above her head to steady a length of woodwhilst a nearby carpenter balancing on a ladder shot nails into it. Issuing agrunt when he was finished, jerking his head in a gesture that Shaw interpretedmeant he wanted her to hold up another hefty piece of wood.

Every time Shaw tried to escape or take a break, Jenna was thereto point out where Shaw was needed next. Carrying building supplies. Lifting.Heaving. Holding things steady. Digging random holes. Mixing cement. Pouringcement. Digging more holes. Toting large prickly rose bushes. Planting largeprickly rose bushes.

Despite all this physical labour it didn’t stop Shaw fromthinking, dwelling, ruminating, on the problem that was Kaleb. He’d beenco-opted by Jenna to decorate the throne dais. You would have thought he’dgotten off lightly. Just having to string up some gold garlands and ivy, butStephanie had followed Shaw outside and taken a decided interest in the dais.Choosing to supervise Kaleb’s efforts personally. Seemingly on a mission tomake the dais the most gaudy, overblown affair to ever grace a baby shower.

Kaleb, for his part, worked tirelessly. Up and down laddersconstantly. Layering more and more decorations over the gilded arch backdrop.From the slight tense edge to his grin, Shaw was guessing he wasn’t comfortablewith Stephanie’s energetic bouncing but was soldiering on. Humouring the vastlypregnant Valkyrie who kept insisting decorations be moved three inches to theleft, and then ten minutes later insisting Kaleb move the same decorations backthree inches to the right.

Drinks and sandwiches were handed out when the sun was highoverhead, but no one ceased working. When it began to grow dark makeshiftlights were hauled out. Food came around again, this time burgers and bucketsof fries. Shaw thought about taking hers and going to sit near Kaleb, but Jennaappeared by her shoulder enquiring in a polite but steely tone if Shaw needed twohands to eat. No, she didn’t, she was advised, so there was no reason for herto stop working. Yeah, Jenna would have made an awesome Valkyrie.

It was vaguely amusing. Shaw had been in a quandary regarding hownot to spend anymore close quarters contact time with Kaleb. Yet the longertheir individual projects kept them apart, the more antsy Shaw found herselfbecoming. Hyper aware every time Kaleb was up a ladder, leaning over, thosekhaki pants highlighting his tight butt. Her gut twisting every time she heardhis laughter. Wondering what had amused him. Beyond sure that if they’d beenteamed up his constant chit chat and sly sense of humour would have made thehours fly by a lot faster.

Much later, fighting back a yawn, Shaw finally collapsed sometime aftermidnight onto a lounger that had been pushed off to the side of the action.With no sleep last night and a full day today, she was weary to her bones. Whoknew putting up party decorations could be even more demanding physically thana skirmish. Yet, as she lay back, promising herself she would just nap for tenminutes, Shaw found her gaze landing on Kaleb. Her attention riveted.

He had to be just as tired as she was, but he still looked like hewas magazine cover shoot ready. His hair a little mussed, but that just addedto his sexy allure. Bloody hell, when had she ever concerned herself with amale’s allure?

This attraction, this pull, it made Shaw feel uncomfortable on somany levels. She didn’t want to want Kaleb. Yet there appeared to be no brakeswhen it came to these feelings, this craving she felt for him. Shaw wanted toprotest, to fight. But how did you fight feelings?

She’d tried ignoring them, but every time the Demon bent over, hergaze was drawn to his cute tight rear end. Every time he laughed, her guttightened in anticipation of seeing that dimple and the accompanying sparklingtwinkle in his eyes.

More worrisome, what if the Demon discovered her weakness? He wasa plotter, a planner, a schemer. He’d no doubt use the knowledge of her attractionto him… and what? Tell everyone about it in one of his over the top grand talesof daring? Tease her? Laugh at her?

Maybe she was blowing this all out of proportion. A little case oflust for an angelic looking Demon was not that big of a deal. The sex was epic.Who wouldn’t crave a male who could deliver on the orgasm front. She was beingan overdramatic idiot. This was nothing more than a fleeting, temporary…physical craving.

Resolutely closing her eyes, Shaw lay there trying to convince herovertired mind to switch off with no luck. It wasn’t until a hard, heated malebody joined her on the lounger, spooning her, one of his arms wrapping lightlyaround her waist that sleep finally beckoned, and Shaw succumbed. Her lastthought before she went under was the annoying realisation that she was a liar,liar, lady parts on fire.

Chapter Nineteen