Page 66 of A Demon Is Forever


“Yes, yes.” Shaw held up her hand to silence them both. They would behere all day otherwise. “All of that and more. Can either of you think ofanyone calm, rational, with good networking skills, and who doesn’t have herown intricately plotted payback scheme in the works? Yeah, it’s a tough one. Iwas talking to Lexi Bao about it-”

“Lexi?” Helgastein’s dour scowl lifted somewhat. “That’s a good idea.What did she say?”

“About what?” Shaw was confused.

“About taking on the Head of VR role? She works very hard at keeping herFury blood in check with all that arts and crafts malarkey. She knows everyonethanks to working at her father’s bar. And now that he’s doing better, I hearshe’s been looking around for a combat role with steady dependable hours.Which… as we all know, don’t exist. But as Head of VR? She can set her ownhours and still meet her brother’s parole requirements. Did she say yes?”

“Um.” Freyja, Lexi? She’d been right under Shaw’s nose this whole time.“Well…”

“You were saying how you thought you’d better get Stephanie’s okaybefore making an offer, didn’t you?” Kaleb prompted, outright lying.

“Bugger, Stephanie.” Helgastein huffed. “We need to nab Lexi now. Beforethose cows over at Furies Futures Incorporated snatch her up. I’ll call her. Iwon’t take no for an answer. So that’s one down. Which leaves us where? Whatabout Welvea for Staging and Deployment? She’s always making lists.”

“Not Welvea” Olrun shook her head. “She has a mind like a sieve, that’swhy she’s always writing everything down. She took that knock to the head threeyears ago and her memory has never been the same since. I mixed her up a tonicof turmeric, kale, fennel oil and the dissolved tooth of a zuglug cat. Butwould she drink it? Said it smelt like feet. Some people don’t want to getbetter, you know. We see it all the time down in Medical.”

The dominoes fell into place. Olrun. Her allergies. Her obsession withhealth. The amount of time she spent in med bay. How much knowledge she’dsoaked up over the years both medical and when it came to their processes andprocedures. She was perfect. Shaw pointed a finger at her executive assistant.“You.”

“Me?” Olrun sneezed, punctuating the word.

“You can be Head of Medical.” Swivelling her head to look at Helgastein,Shaw began listing off the reasons. “She knows everyone on the staff, and who’sgood at what. Subscribes to every medical and wellness guide in existence. Hasevery Healer, Witch Doctor, Voodoo Priest, Shaman and Tonic Maker on speeddial. Pretty much is a walking encyclopaedia on everyone else’s medical issues.Knows procedures. Best of all… she’s enthusiastic.” Everyone looked at Olrun,who was sitting in her chair hugging herself tightly, a big grin on her face,her nose a shining red beacon. Excitement glittering in her watering bloodshoteyes.

“Would you-”

“Yes. Yes. Yes! I would be honoured. I have so many ideas! So manyimprovements to make. They totally need a locked poison room. I’ve been harpingon that for years. And Begda and Kratow should never be scheduled together onthe same shift. It’s a recipe for nothing but drama. And those gloves they use.I know the manufacturer claims they’re latex free, but just look at my hands.Now I can totally get the lab to run some tests and rub the results in thosebastards’ smug faces.”

“You sure we’re not creating a monster?” Helgastein muttered under herbreath as Olrun continued to list all the changes she would make.

“Maybe. But she’s our monster. Better still, relatively easily todistract. Hey, Olrun? Now you can attend all the medical conferences you readabout as our official representative.”

If possible Olrun’s eyes widened even further with excitement. “Freyja,yes. I’ll get to ask all the questions I want. So, when?”

“When?” Shaw echoed.

“When do I start?”

“Immediately.” Helgastein sounded a touch resigned as she made the call,rolling her eyes to the heavens seeking guidance as Olrun issued a squeal ofdelight that quickly dissolved into a coughing fit.

Glancing down, noting she was scratching her left forearm, Olrun shookher head in concern. “That’s not good. I need to go.” Quickly she stood,gathering her wellness binder and assorted bottles and sprays. “I’ll puttogether a budget for the new poisons room and send it to Finance. Then I’llpost a new roster.” She was still making promises as she exited the room,juggling her belongings, scratching her arm, beaming broadly.

Helgastein shifted dark eyes full of foreboding and doubt in Shaw’sdirection. “We’re probably going to regret that decision. Dealing with thatkind of enthusiasm, it’s hard to beat out of them quickly.”

“You’re forgetting. Technically, Olrun won’t be our problem at all.She’ll be Stephanie’s.”

Just like that, the world shifted, and an angel was born somewhere inthe heavens as Helgastein’s features abruptly rearranged and she smiled. Yes,it was one tinged with malicious delight, but a smile nevertheless. There wasnothing more the older Valkyrie enjoyed than going toe to toe with her boss,trying to get under Stephanie’s skin. Suddenly realising Olrun provided atruckload of endless possibilities in that particular direction.

“Ta-Dah.” Shaw sketched a short bow. She had done it. The to-do list wasin the bag. More importantly she had a medical consent form all but burning ahole in her pocket permitting her to return to the battle Planes.

Only two more nights, and three more days before she off loaded theDemon. Then she would be free.

Of course that tightening of her gut was only occurring because Shawwasn’t sure she was going to find the time to kill Kaleb prior to thatdeadline. Not because she’d miss his smile, his dimple, or his adequate cock.Never, Valkyries didn’t do thing like miss stuff. They killed stuff and movedon.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Helgastein growled like the grey cloud ofdoom she usually was. “You have a party to throw for a hormonal powder keg whois as likely to greet her guests with a weepy hug as a swing from one of heraxes. We don’t need a war with the Conflict Demon Realm right now. Unlesssomeone is footing the bill?” She looked towards Kaleb.

“No thanks. We’ve just emerged from an almost millennial unwinnable war.Though I’d be happy to pay for a Christmas mixer, my ex-Berserkers are allsingle, all - fingers crossed - ex-psycho killers, but deep… deep down, justreally good Demons deserving of love.”

Helgastein looked to Shaw for further elaboration. “Built like brickhouses, lots of scars and can barely be bothered to string two words together.”