Okay, the Demon could live… for now. Yes, and whilst Kaleb was stillbeing useful, that meant she could still totally use him for sex, right? Yes?No? Or was that a slippery slope? Okay, three things on her personal to-dolist. No more sex with Kaleb. Kill Kaleb. Get back to the battlefield.
She was forgetting something. Oh, yes, dispose of the body.
Four things on her to-do list then. But all perfectly achievable. Itfelt surprisingly good to have goals. Shaw had been adrift for so long. Firstbecause of her knee. Then when she’d taken up the reins of the Legal Departmentwithout the slightest clue of what she was doing.
Corralling that crew had been like trying to herd cats. But eventuallyshe’d succeeded thanks to her unique management motivational style. There hadeven been moments lately when she’d kind of begun to enjoy herself. Sitting inon the tense vendor bidding meetings. Threatening the odd litigious client in alocation where the conversation couldn’t be recorded. Helping out Jordan.
But it shouldn’t be too hard to bring her replacement up to speed. ThenShaw could return to the battlefields unencumbered of anything to do with thedreaded taint of Headquarters and all the rules, regulations and politics thatwent with it.
She’d be a battle bitch Valkyrie once more. Fight, eat, drink, sleep,and then do it all again the next day, and the day after that. Back to heruncomplicated satisfying pre-accident existence.
Huh, Shaw had thought she’d be a little more… excited by the prospect.It was all she’d wanted to do for so long. Shouldn’t she be feeling happier?Perhaps the reality of it hadn’t sunk in just yet. She did still need to offload the Demon and get battle fit sign-off by Medical.
Okay, she wouldn’t falter now, her dreams were so close to beingfulfilled. No more sex with Kaleb. Kill Kaleb. Dispose of the body. Return tothe battlefield. Four easy, doable steps.
What could go wrong with a nice simple plan like that?
Chapter Seventeen
Shaw was weary and betting Kaleb was struggling this morning also. Afterall, she’d kept him up all night. Not with sex this time, no, they’d spent thenight running around town in search of Valkyries who might make suitableDepartment Heads.
Taking the Demon’s advice, Shaw chose establishments where Valkyriescongregated who were always on the search for fresh challenges. Crossing herfingers if she found the right candidates, she… strike that, Kaleb, could sellthe idea that taking on a corporate role would rival the bloodiest of battles.Providing the adrenalin rush associated with facing off against the direst offoes. And that essentially, they would wind up in Freyja’s Hall upon theirdeath, seated on her right side drinking ale and swapping tales.
It had been a long, frustrating, futile night.
Yet not once had Shaw been bored. At the axe throwing venue they hadspent a happy hour taking turns throwing sharp things at the targets, whilstShaw evaluated the candidates on offer. Kaleb losing all five rounds with goodhumour and grace. And they’d learnt several new swear words from Ilka andGrunsdale, who’d rather descriptively detailed where they could take their joboffer and shove it.
At the 24hr women’s only gym, located on the second floor of ValkyrieHQ, Kaleb had wrangled special dispensation admission with nothing more than aslight dimple. Proceeding to make himself useful by acting as spotter at theweights bar.
Attempting a fresh approach, they just casually floated the idea of aHead of Department role to everyone present. To a Valkyrie they dismissed theidea with a mixture of snorting incredulous laughter, hearty rolls of the eyes,or pointed silence interrupted only by the clank of more weights being added toa machine.
Even Kaleb’s charm failed to get them through the door of the fullybooked out restaurant, Meat Maiden. Owned and run by the meld mates of twoValkyries.
Next had been a hit and a miss at the indoor track and field venue runby a half Elf. Who during the wee small hours admitted supernaturals who likedto throw stuff; spears, javelins, hammers, and a host of other weapons thatcould be used to take down a foe. Practise did make perfect. Most testing outnew weapons or fine-tuning techniques.
Often Zuri could be found here with her team conducting tests on longrange throwing weapons. Not last night though. Those present barely accordingShaw a sneer upon her approach, not even giving her a chance to open her mouth.
Seems word had travelled on the V-grapevine.
Wanting to test his mettle against those throwing spears, Kaleb joinedin, and despite falling woefully short of his competitors, he laughed and jokedhis way through the entire contest. Causing even the stoutest and dourest ofValkyries to crack the occasional smile at his antics. Though the scowlsreturned every time their eyes rested upon Shaw. Who now clearly couldn’t shakethe stink of Headquarters that clung to her like a bad smell.
It had been a long shot but for their last stop they hit the beach. Inorder to check out the sunrise surfing crowd. Those gals were a hardy,determined bunch, eschewing wetsuits on even the chilliest of mornings. Renownfor taking no prisoners if someone got in their way, interfered with their waveor just stared at their breasts too long.
Upon seeing Shaw rock up in Zuri’s borrowed jeep, all had promptlygrabbed their boards and headed for the water. Pantomiming they couldn’t hearShaw shouting over the waves breaking and seagulls shrieking overhead. Heifers.
The long stretch of sandy beach almost deserted at that moment wouldhave made a perfect spot to bury a body. Unfortunately, when Shaw returned tothe jeep Kaleb was waiting there with hot coffee and a bag full of bacon andegg wraps. Food first. It was rule number three, all but sacred.
So that’s how Shaw found herself relaxing back on the hood of Zuri’sjeep, watching the sun rise, the surfers surf, eating breakfast beside a smoothtalking angel of a Demon.
The mission. And food.
They were the only two reasons the Demon was still alive, as she drovethem through the early morning streets headed for Valkyrie Headquarters. Anddamn it, he’d been the perfect companion all night. Friendly to everyone.Helpful. No complaints. No criticisms. Absolutely zero reference to sex. Nodouble entendres. No waggling of the eyebrows. Not even a simmering sexy - yawanna do it on the hood of the car in this deserted car park? - smile.
Which was great. Great. Good. Better than good. Fan-freaking-tastic.Kaleb wasn’t hung up on her. Sure, they’d spent two heated long nights togetherall but singeing the sheets, but that had clearly just been sex to the Demon.They’d had to pass the time somehow, fucking was as good as any.
It seems they agreed upon that.
Both clearly in accordance that it was nothing but fucking. Noattachments. No promises and no Freyja bloody feelings… none. Nothing to seehere except a Valkyrie using a Demon for sex… no, well, yes, for sex, but moreimportantly using his Lucifer given talents to get this bloody to-do list ofStephanie’s completed so Shaw could head back to the battlefields.