Page 6 of A Demon Is Forever

No doubt theargumentative idiots were right this moment in his reception room bickeringabout where they’d go for lunch today, whilst Kaleb was mere moments fromdeath. Fuck that.

He made theuniversal writing sign in the air. His kingdom for a pen. Prayer answered asjust like that the hottie in all black was handing one over. The edges of herconstant sneer shifting ever so slightly, now radiating a smug edge. Not sofast, Babe.

Ramming the penbackwards into the Gxthian’s right eye wasn’t easy, the angle wasn’t thegreatest. But thanks to sheer luck Kaleb managed it. Even better when the Demonreared back in shock and pain, Kaleb able to twist in his hold and slam hispalm against the writing implement, driving it deeply into the creature’sbrain.

With their ridgedskulls and the fact that their two hearts moved constantly throughout theirbodies, Gxthian Demons were a bitch to kill. Decapitation and happily, a penshoved deeply into their brain, appeared to do the trick. Now for the hottie.Who was staring down at the Gxthian assassin looking neither happy or sad thather cohort had bitten the dust.

“Oh, so I’mguessing you two weren’t a couple then?”

“No! He was tryingto kill me!” Kaleb rubbed at his bruised throat. Conflict Demons healed fast,in another twenty minutes the purple and dark green contusions would be gone.“What did you think was going on?”

“Actually, Ithought you guys were having sex.”


“Hey, I don’tjudge if some people like a bit of the rough stuff.”

Kaleb glared atthe strange woman and then at the dead Demon, hesitating. Someone had handedover the transportal codes to his private office, who could he call to cleanthis up? The body would magically Portal back to its place of origin in anotherfew minutes, but there was blood and property damage to deal with. Who could hetrust? Fuck.

“So, when youthink about it, you kind of owe me.” The tall curvy hottie absently kicked thedead Demon as if double checking it were truly deceased. Clearly she had aniron cast stomach when it came to pale grey corpses leaking dark grey bloodeverywhere.

“I owe you? Inwhat world do I owe you anything?” Brushing back his sandy blonde hair, Kalebturned his full attention to the interloper.

“I helped you killthe bad guy.”

“You handed me apen.”

“You gestured fora pen.”

“And if I’d made astabbing motion, you would have handed me a knife?” He really was curious toknow, as this woman was acting unlike any other woman he had ever met.

“We’ll never knownow, will we? But you can’t dispute the fact that a pen killed your Demon badguy. A pen I handed to you.”

“Yes. Yes. Fine.”By the Pits, this woman was incredibly single minded. He almost admired hertenacity. He idly wondered whether she was a single mother. Plenty of time topursue that path later, once her darling progeny was enrolled here at hisschool. Sighing, Kaleb grabbed the documents from the hottie’s hand, intendingto find a fresh, not so bloody pen and grant her request, when his gazehappened to lock on the name of the parent of the enrolling student. “Ah… Hellno.” He dropped the documents like they were on fire. “I’m not signing that. Idon’t care how many flunkies Galen sends. He’s the reason I have Demonassassins popping out of thin air trying to kill me constantly. I’ve thwartedfive attempts in the last two weeks alone. I’m not doing that betraying bastardany favours.”

“Boo-hoo. Having metyou, I can kind of empathise with the assassins. Now stop the yapping, and signthose documents.”

“No.” Damn, Kalebneeded a drink. Maybe several.

“Sign them.”

“I’m not havingGalen’s twin hell spawn attend my school.”

“They won’t behell spawn, they’ll be Valkyries.”

“Like that’s anybetter. Wait, you’re a Valkyrie?”


“One of thebastard Demon’s bride’s flunkies then.” Click. Click. The height. The stunninglooks. The bountiful curves. The direct manner. The constant scowl. It all madesense now.

“She usually justgoes by the name Stephanie.”

“Whatever.” Kalebleaned over to yank open the nearest desk drawer, pulling out a curved dagger.

“You really thinkthat piddly little thing will scare me away?”

“You? No. But wherethere’s one Gxthian, there’s usually a whole Hunting Party waiting in thewings. I expect as soon as they can gather enough power to break through mylocks again a few more will be attempting to Portal in here.”